llundrub:---That is mere ignorance.  The awareness would be the same
regardless of whether it was more or less aware of ignorance. It
doesn't change.  Consciousness is clarity, or there would be no
relative change because there would be no space for it.

Irmeli: With this I disagree. It is theoretical nonsense. How much and
what what the organizing "I" is aware of makes a lot of difference to
how I navigate through my life. Compare yourself with a amoeba. There
is lot of differences in awareness and accordingly also in lifestyle.
-------If the mind was red then everything would be shades of red, if it was angry then everything would be shades of angry. Because the mind is clear and empty one experiences the full range of everything.

Irmeli:> A baby for whom everything is still subject lives in an
> undifferentiated unity, there are no relations to anything, only
> In order to be capable to relate to something, it has to get separated
> from the embeddedness in the "I". When something is still in the "I",
> you cannot clearly perceive that function or work with it, instead it
> runs you.
LLundrub:---The mere modern Jungian psychotherapy of individuation.
Life however doesn't mean that one will always be at odds. This
somehow is the key to being able to work through it though Irmeli.
One must be able to abstract the basic nature of relative phenomenon
in order to adjust to it. One needed live in the babyish instant
desire fulfillment or tears sort of psycho-noumena, but instead, if
one understands the harsh reality of the relative then one can build a
nest, as it were, in that tree and find shelter in it.

Irmeli: I have no idea what you are trying to say here. English being
my third language, I would appreciate clear and simple expressions.
------In the Jungian model baby learns to indivduate so it goes from small and crying to having the ability to make its own desires come true.
I extrapolate further, outside of the Jungian model and say that if baby needs to individuate still further and accept that nothing will ever work out as planned and then actuallly one has a true ground to walk upon.

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