The New Definition of the Republican Party

You might be excused if you said placing Obama's face on a $10 food
stamp with a bucket of fried chicken, watermelon, ribs, and Kool-Aid
was an isolated act.

When a major right-wing network calls Michelle Obama, "Obama's Baby
Mama," you could dismiss it as as an overzealous producer who just
thought it was funny and didn't mean it to say that black women are
just baby machines for black men. You could, I suppose.

You might even get a pass if you thought a Web site that depicted
Obama and the word "Waterboard Him" was just created by an obscure
group that didn't represent all Republicans – although you would be wrong.

If a picture of Obama was Photoshopped to make him look a little bit
like Osama Bin Laden, you could pass it off as the work of a few
idiots on the right. It could be, right?

Supporters who carry racist Obama Monkey Dolls to your rallys are
people who don't represent your campaign. You could argue that.

Of course, this is just a moron on the fringe, right?

What about when a high-level Republican fundraiser sends out an email
that includes a joke with the punchline, if an airplane carrying Obama
and his wife were blown up "it certainly wouldn't be a great loss, and
it probably wouldn't be an accident either."? Sure, you could pass it
off as the act of a random dumbass.

If, in response to your question, "Who is Barack Obama?" someone
yelled "Terrorist!" you could say that was just one idiot in the crowd
and was not indicative of the general sentiment. It's plausible.

In fact, you could cite dozens of examples of these racist, divisive,
dillusiuonal attacks on Barack Obama and conclude that they are just
elements of the fringe and don't represent mainstream Republicans.

Sooner or later though, you will have to acknowledge that this
"fringe" is very widespread. You'll have to come to grips, eventually,
with the fact that this "fringe" has become the very definition of the
your party.

~~  Michael Demmons

*Link to each entry* at website:

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