Robert wrote:
> Anyhow, unless Obama/Biden win a landslide 
> of Reagan proportions, we might see the 
> sleeze machine going in the direction of 
> continued greed and other lower forms of 
> human behaviour, fear based, egotistic 
> dead-enders...
So, you're a Fox News watcher, Robert, and a
WSJ subscriber.

So, you're saying that ACORN might rig the
election with fake registrants and then send
in their staff to vote at the poll booth using
the fake names in order to get a "landslide 
of Reagan proprotions" for Obama/Biden.

If so, that would continue "the greed and 
other lower forms of human behaviour, fear 
based, egotistic dead-enders" and subvert 

This is outrageous!!!

>From what I've read the Justice Dept has an
investigation in progress. Obama had some very
deep pockets for ACORN - he worked for them
and he supports their vote drives. So, I
guess Obama and ACORN are in big trouble. 

Maybe Obama and ACORN should each explain WTF 
they think they're trying to do, rig the 
election? Attempting to rig a federal election
is a felony, right?

"You can bet in such a case that the 
Republicans will challenge the result. They 
will find a few cases of people voting from 
the wrong address. Their propagandists on 
the Fox News channel will follow."

Read more:

'The Acorn-US attorneys scandal link'
Posted by  Michael Tomasky
Guardian, Saturday October 18

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