On Oct 20, 2008, at 1:25 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

So, why couldn't a person get darshan at a
fast food drive-thru, if the person at the
window had some spiritual development?

Why would someone have to fly all the way
over to India and visit a drive-thru there,
when there was a perfectly good darshan to
be had just down the street in Fairfield?

Vaj wrote:
You missed the point.

The point was: don't become a darshan junkie
looking for a quick fix or darshan as a way
around your own inner development and your
own secret recipe.

Maybe you missed the point, Vaj. It takes
all of what, two minutes to get a darshan,
whether it's at a drive thru or anywhaere
else. But it might take you several hundred
lifetimes to get "your own secret recipe".

So, you point is to wait until you get your
own spiritual development and then give out
darshan at a drive thru?

Nevermind Willy.

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