Narcissism is a description of the inhabitants of FF/VC, IMO.  I've heard
all the stories about this woman being allergic to electricity and so on.
You really need to be behind one of the super narcissistic ones in a
buffet.  Picking out individual peas, pieces of potato or whatever out of
the steam table trough.  Then there was the time this lady in Entrees (a
somewhat nice place to eat breakfast or lunch) accused the cashier of not
giving back her credit card.  I told the lady that on IA things tend to
disappear then re-appear--just go through your wallet again or I'll be happy
to do it for you.   She gave me this snarl, like maybe I was part of the
conspiracy.  I helped tear the place apart, we looked and looked.  A couple
of days later I asked about the women and the "theft" of the card.  In
hushed voice I was told that the bitch was in the other dining room and had
found her card in her purse a few minutes after the previous time.  I was
told that the lady was a businesswoman.  I asked what she did for a living.
I was told that she owned the Bra of the Month Club.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:56 PM, ruthsimplicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> --- In, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The dominant theme of IA, IMO is bipolar disorder.
> >
> Thought there are the mentally ill, I think the dominant theme of the
> Fairfield meditators is narcissism.  Heck, it is the dominant theme of
> US society.

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