Twelve Days Before the Election by The Independent View 10/23/08 <>

    1. On the first day…a partridge in a pear tree (Said to represent
Jesus Christ.)
Donna Brazille, Howard Dean, Louis Farrakhan, and Oprah Winfrey gave us
The One, The Messiah. Chris Matthews got a tingle up his leg.

    2. On the second day…two turtle doves (Said to represent the Old
and New Testaments.)
The Democratic party shed whites, hispanics, women, the working class,
the religious, and non-urban Americans to create the new Democratic
Party of Kool-Aid drinking members of the Obama Cult.


    3. On the third day…three French Hens (Said to represent Faith,
Hope, and Charity or Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Trinity.)
Hope, Change, and Lies. Or, Dean, Reid, and Pelosi.

    4. On the fourth day…four calling birds (Said to represent the
Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists.)
Obama toots his own horn, the party "leaders" like Dean,
Brazille, Reid, and Pelosi conspire to anoint him despite popular votes
to the contrary, the media fawn at his every word and bury any critique,
and the nutroots gangs bully anyone sporting another candidate or
raising a question.

    5. On the fifth day…five golden rings (Said to represent the
first Five Books of the Old Testament or The Catholic Church's five
obligatory sacraments: baptism, communion, confirmation, penance, and
last rites.)
For The One, there is just one requirement–drink Kool-Aid and
believe in everything. Lies and flip-flops be damned, it is The One and
he can do no wrong.

    6. On the six day…six geese a-laying (Said to represent the six
days of creation.)
The only creation we have here is that of a candidate who otherwise has
no experience, an incomplete resume, and poor associations that would
disqualify any other candidate.

    7. On the seventh day…seven swans a swimming (Said to represent
the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments.)
Obama is the gift that keeps giving: Hate of America, hate of successful
women, conspiracy of racism as only racists would question The One,
spread the wealth class warfare by taxing the taxpaying working class
into national prosperity, and so much more that seven is a meaningless
limit on the gifts of The One.  The One is the gift, as he even says,
The One is what we've been waiting for.

    8. On the eight day…eight maids a-milking (Said to represent the
eight beatitudes or the eight times a year that Roman Catholics in those
days were required to receive Holy Communion.)
The eight signs of Obama: Like his wannabe seal, his fancy airplane, his
picture-perfect celebrity world tour, his coronation stage in Denver,
his `make way' entourage, …

  [The Wannabe President]
    9. On the ninth day…nine ladies dancing (Said to represent the
nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23): love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and
Nine or ninety-five, Obama seeks to spread hardworking American wealth
around to those who pay no taxes, often do not even work. Socialism,
pure and simple.

   10. On the tenth day…ten lords a-leaping (Said to represent the
Ten Commandments wherein lords established the laws in their areas.)
The media have been lords for The One. From CNN to MSNBC, from The New
York Times and Los Angeles Times, to even the Washington Post, from
Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman, to faux media like Roland Martin,
Campbell Brown, and Donna Brazille on CNN, and to wannabe media like
Stephen Cobert, Jon Stewart, and Saturday Night Live, they have defined
and redefined The One; and discounted and smeared the heretics.

  [From GateWayPundit]
   11. On the eleventh day…eleven pipers piping (Said to represent
the eleven apostles that remained faithful to Jesus and people joyfully
followed their message.)
The Obama Cult has, above all else, remained faithful to their Dear
Leader. Whether paid propagandists, adoring media, nutroots gangs, or
conspiring collaborators in the party leadership, they have served up
Obama with a smile and spread vicious, dismissive hate against anyone
and everyone that might question The One.

  [obama-superman.jpg]   [obama-nationalanthem.jpg]
   12. On the twelfth day…twelve drummers drumming (Said to represent
twelve vital beliefs that set us apart as Christians found in the
Apostles' Creed
The drums of real hope and change begin sounding…  The One's
15-minutes are up.  This is the last day of the cult of Obama.  Tomorrow
real voters make their call.  Despite the media hype and hysteria,
despite the voter fraud, despite the illegal fundraising, despite the
lies, despite the hate, despite the racism, despite the sexism, despite
it all America will survive and reject the Obamanation.  Let the Obama
Cult enjoy this last day of their orgy as tomorrow their freedom to be
foolish and fools will be replaced by voters choosing McCain and Palin
to lead the country.
  [The One]

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