This is primarily a locals' Friday night in Sitges. The
summer tourist traffic is done, and the winter tourists
haven't gotten cold enough to fly South yet. So tonight
it's mainly residents walking by in their Friday night

Not that everyone dresses up, of course. Many -- and it's
one of the main reasons I live here -- didn't change at
all, and are wearing the same things they wore all day.
But a few take advantage of the weekend to go to town,
literally and sartorially.

You see it most in the women, of course. To a male eye,
it seems that the women who are obviously "dressed up"
tonight fall into two broad categories. The first is
"I just felt like dressing up, and looking my best. If
you feel like appreciating my efforts, cool, but I did
it for me, just for the fun of it." The second category 
can be more accurately described as "I really, really, 
really want to get laid tonight. This outfit is my bait. 
Please God let it work." 

Suffice it to say that I find the women who fall into 
the former category more interesting personally, but as
a guy, I'm not averse to appreciating the efforts of
the women in the second category. I mean, as bait goes,
this is really attractive bait. 

We're talking heels so high that the women wearing them
can hardly walk. We're talking jeans so tight that they
must have had to grease up like an English Channel swimmer
to fit into them. We're talking push-up bras that bring new
meaning to the form of art called trompe d'oeil. And we're
talking makeup that was definitely not created by the 
highest-paid person on John McCain's campaign staff.

That's not his foreign policy advisor, by the way. That's 
not the head of the campaign or the head of his transition
team. It's Sarah Palin's makeup artist. She makes more per
week than any of the others -- $22,800 for the first two
weeks of October. 

And doesn't that say it all? About McCain's campaign and
about politics, old-style, and about the women in Sitges
and how they choose to dress when going out on the town
on a Friday night?

Some paint their images on and hope that people will be
shallow enough to stop AT the surface image and look no
deeper. Others carry their image inside, and project it
out through whatever they were already wearing and this
morning's makeup. And when you look at the surface, you
are really seeing what's underneath as well.

I don't know about the rest of the guys here, but if I 
wind up getting lucky tonight, I don't want to wake up
next to someone whose only beauty came from the clothing
stores and cosmetic stores they shop in. I'd like to wake
up next to someone who looks as beautiful in the morning
as she looked the night before, because her beauty is real.

I don't know about the rest of you voters, but I hope to
wake up on the day after election day with someone equally
real about to move into the White House. I'm really tired
of bimbos.

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