I just returned from a most instructive pre-dinner
drink with a friend before having dinner later with 
several other friends. My friend is married, and is
really just a friend. She's one of those women who
are attractive from the inside out, whatever she is
wearing and whether she has makeup on or not. And
believe me, I'm one of those guys who knows how much
of a woman's beauty is due to makeup and the clothes
she's wearing, and how much is not. 

As chance would have it, we sat at a cafe table next 
to one 50ish American woman and two 60+ American women,
and both of us found our conversation segueing into
eavesdropping as we listened to what they were saying.

They were discussing the news of the day, which on
this particular newsday, involved the fact that Sarah
Palin has spent $150,000 on clothes and another $11,400
per week on makeup. None of the three women were in any 
way upset about this. They seemed to think, in fact that 
it was completely acceptable. And one of them even put 
voice to WHY. 

She said, "Hey, if I had that much money to spend on
clothes and makeup, I'd look attractive, too." Her 
friends agreed wholeheartedly.

They were wrong. Speaking as a man, but with the complete
agreement of my woman friend, no amount of money could 
make any of the three of these women attractive. No amount 
of money could hide what they are inside.

The same is true for Sarah Palin.

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