Despite Mr. Moody assertions, this story has nothing to do McCain or Obama and 
will have zero impact on their campaigns. Its the sad tale of a disturbed girl. 
Why would anyone think this has anything to do with the presidential candidates?

--- On Sun, 10/26/08, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fox News VP: If McCain Worker Mutilation Story Is a 
> Hoax His Campaign Is Over
> To:
> Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 6:30 AM
> [ I couldn't help but notice that no one has
> commented on this story, and the mindset behind
> it, on FFL. Could it be that Ashley Todd and the
> things she believes are legitimate ways to hurt
> Barack Obama reminds us of someone closer to home? ]
> It had drawn wide local and national -- even political
> attention, with
> the McCain and Obama campaigns weighing in -- but now the
> Ashley Todd
> story has fallen apart. Police in Pittsburgh have now
> declared the
> tale a hoax and the woman, who has confessed, now faces
> charges for
> her deed.
> Earlier today, John Moody, executive vice president at Fox
> News,
> commented on his blog there that "this incident could
> become a
> watershed event in the 11 days before the election. If Ms.
> Todd's
> allegations are proven accurate, some voters may revisit
> their support
> for Senator Obama, not because they are racists (with due
> respect to
> Rep. John Murtha), but because they suddenly feel they do
> not know
> enough about the Democratic nominee.
> "If the incident turns out to be a hoax, Senator
> McCain's quest for
> the presidency is over, forever linked to
> race-baiting."
> He titled his posting: "Moment of Truth." Indeed.
> It started yesterday afternoon with Matt Drudge screaming
> at the top
> of his site this afternoon in red type -- but no siren --
> that a
> Pittsburgh campaign worker for McCain, age 20, had been
> viciously
> attacked and the letter "B" carved into her face,
> presumably by a
> Barack Obama fan. Her name, it soon emerged, was Ashley
> Todd and she
> had come to Pittsburgh from College Station, Texas, to help
> out.
> It started to appear overblown (Drudge downgraded it to
> smaller, black
> type) as the police noted that it seemed to be a robbery
> ($60) and she
> did not seek medical attention. But later press reports
> said she would
> visit a hospital, Sarah Palin and maybe John McCain had
> reportedly
> called her and Obama has condemned the alleged assault,
> although
> McCain/Obama angle to story not yet confirmed.
> Still later, conservative columnist Michelle Malkin, and
> some others,
> grew skeptical. For one thing, the "B" was carved
> a little too lightly
> and perfectly -- and backward, as if done using a mirror.
> Smoking Gun
> probed a too-pat "Twitter" angle and Gawker and
> Wonkette looked at her
> MySpace page.
> Now police say that evidence from the ATM that she
> reportedly visited
> did not match her account. And it turns out she changed her
> story,
> admitting that her assailant did not see a McCain bumper
> sticker and
> adding to her account a sexual assault and losing
> consciousness.
> Liberal bloggers poked all sorts of holes in the story,
> including the
> fact that the attack allegedly took place in a very public
> place.
> Drudge added a link titled "B...or B.S."?
> Finally, early this afternoon, came word that she had made
> it all up.
> ------------------------------------
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