Dear Friends,

My computer has been broken or in the shop for TWO weeks (I'm having serious
withdrawal symptoms) and am having to get on-line at the library, with
nearly a thousand unread emails to scan through. If I've missed your post,
delayed posting, or approved for posting anything inappropiate, this is the
reason. My apologies. Hopefully things will be back to normal next week.

I might mention what an interesting experience it's been not having a
computer. For some time now, I have been learning a lot about
self-sufficiency so intellectually I thought I didn't need one, but not
having it has really been an eye-opener, that we depend on them more than we
realize (not just email but ordinary daily stuff like on-line banking,
weather up-dates, researching stuff, etc.)  It makes me think everyone
should have a computer fast every now and then, just to find out how
dependent we are are it.


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