Please forward this to all your meditating friends.

100+ Days for America - A Special Initiative

Dear Friends,

This is a time of enormous transformation and purification for our country
and the world. The financial crisis has upended our country's economy. We
will be electing a new President and Congress. Our nation will experience
more twists and turns as it faces many pressing challenges. Our new
president's first 100 days will be very important.

For some in our nation, this can be a time of fear and uncertainty. It
doesn't need to be that for us.

We know this can also be a time of great opportunity and growth.

As Yogic Flyers, we have the ability to directly influence our nation's
collective consciousness and make this phase transition a smoother, more
comfortable, and positive experience for all.

We have achieved our minimum Super Radiance numbers, with deep gratitude to
our Maharishi Vedic Pandits. But we can do more. Maharishi perpetually asked
himself 'what more can I do?' - and so can we. We can reach 2500, the number
Maharishi said would make our country invincible.

8000 NOW invites every Yogic Flyer to look inside and see what more we can
each do to contribute to an even greater level of coherence and Support of
Nature for our country and ourselves.

We invite you to make a personal commitment to Maharishi and Guru Dev to
keep through the new President's first 100 days in office.

Depending on what you are already doing, your commitment could include:

· Joining the Invincible America Assembly
· Coming to group program more frequently
· Doing longer programs
· Rounding on the weekends
· Adopting an earlier bedtime to make morning program (and have clearer
experiences when we are there)
· Making sure we do every single part of our program
· Calling or emailing friends and inviting them to take part in this
· Helping others attend program with rides or other forms of support
(finding babysitters, etc.)
· Encouraging your employees to increase their Super Radiance attendance in
whatever way possible
· Leaving work earlier to make group program
· Having your family and/or company participate in the Maharishi Yagya
· These are just a few ideas, please send us more if you have them!

We all have many important responsibilities that challenge our time and
resources. So this is a personal decision to make with Maharishi and Guru

We just ask that you honestly assess what more you can do -- and then do it!

Let's start immediately, before the election, to ensure that the best
possible presidential candidate is selected and to ensure we elect a
Congress that can make the wisest decisions for our country.

Let's continue after November 4 to help our country - and the world -
recover from the financial crisis.

Let's keep it up for the first 100 days after our new President takes office
to help him and our new Congress make the best decisions as they address the
enormous challenges facing our nation.

By that time, we may feel so committed, we will want to keep it going and
going to usher in more prosperous, healthy, and evolutionary times for all.

We invite you to write down your commitment and offer it at one of the boxes
set up at all the flying halls.

A form is attached and copies will also be available in all flying halls. No
names are necessary. Or simply keep your commitment to yourself. The
important thing is to act.

Together, let's make our nation invincible and reap the rewards.

Thank you for all you are doing.

Jai Guru Dev,
8000 NOW

"What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Attachment: 100+ Days for America.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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