There have been many candidates for the "lowest moment"
of this low, low, political campaign. Libby Dole's 
"Godless" ad is one, and Michele Bachmann's McCarthyesque 
"anti-American" rant is another. One of my personal 
favorites was when the McCain campaign bought the rights 
to the domain name, and redirected 
clicks on it to the main John McCain website, where it 
ran a video of Sarah Palin. (The URL has since been 
changed to redirect to Google, but doesn't it just
*scream* what they really thought of her?)

But my candidate for the lowest moment of the campaign,
by far, is the use of one word, thrown out as an epithet,
and as a label to be attached to Barack Obama:


In my opinion, this word captures the nature of this 
epic campaign better than any other, because it captures
the mindset of the two warring sets of energies better
than any other.

The people who called Barack Obama "unelectable" are OLD.
They are tired, they are devoid of life force, and they
honestly don't see any other solution to the problems 
of the world than the ones they have been trying for 
decades now. And, worst of all, they are so devoid of
HOPE that they react to the presence of hope in others
by trying to demonize it, as if hope were a bad thing.

THAT is the mindset that hopefully will go down in flames
tomorrow. And about bloody time, too.

You need go no further than the two slogans of the two 
main political parties to see the difference between the
"old and in the way" mindset that will exiting the stage
and the one that will be entering, stage left.

One party aligned itself with the arrogant, shortsighted,
and jingoistic "Country First." They actually *like* the
fact that the United States of America is the most feared
and despised and distrusted nation on the planet. The 
other party swung behind a truth so simple that it inspired 
hatred and jeers from those so divorced from the notion of 
truth that they saw it as simplistic: "Yes we can."

Well, the polls seem to indicate that Yes, we really can.
The polls suggest that those who posed as "pundits" and 
claimed to be speaking from a platform of greater and
more meaningful insight when pinning the U-word label to 
Barack Obama were, in a W-word, WRONG.

Not only that, by using that word, they revealed the poverty
of their own lives, and their own view of what life can be.
They had lost hope so completely that they not only pooh-
poohed the idea of bucking the status quo, they declared
anyone who tried "unelectable."

Well, we'll see, won't we? If, Wednesday morning, we find
that these sad, hopeless fucks were right and that -- due to
vote fraud and voter disenfranchisement -- Barack Obama 
really IS unelectable, I hope that another U-word will come
into play: 


I hope that if that happens, those of us who are NOT with-
out hope will rise up and burn the motherfuckin' country
to the ground. It'll deserve it, and out of its ashes will
rise a country that still believes that Yes, we CAN change.
If things go as expected, then the real work is only start-
ing, for Obama and for those of us he inspired.

And the ones who reacted to someone who could still inspire
(when their candidate could not) by screaming "Unelectable?"
Well, frankly, fuck 'em. Let them crawl back into the fear-
fenced hidey-holes they stuck their No-we-can't-change-and-
anyone-who-claims-we-can-is-unelectable heads out of. 

Fuck 'em because some of us still have the ability to react
to inspiration by becoming inspired, not fearful. We see
the cry of "Yes we can" as a *reminder*, and a wake-up call,
not as something to mock and be afraid of. And we're ready 
to start on Day One of a new, hopeful era of American history 
by pitching in to change things.

Yes we can. Yes, we motherfuckin' can.

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