I had studied with someone who had studied with someone, about the chakras and 
how to enliven and listen to these energy centers...
The basic technique, had to do with sitting comfortably, as in meditation,
And, imagine the 'Crown Chakra', at the top of the head, to 'absorb light',
Coming from above your head, from the 'Universal Soul Energy'...
Look upwards, from within, and see the light coming down, radiating down into 
your system.
The light coming in can be purpler coloured, if you wish.
Then allow this light energy to pour down to the 'Third Eye'...
After it settles there, allow the energy to filter down to the throat area,
Then to the heart, and the solar plexus, then to the areas of pleasure and 
inner child, 
Magical child, and then the root chakra.
In this way, you can balance and energize the energy centers.
Also, the theory goes: that each Chakra, carries with it the experiences at 
that level of understanding.
In other words, the throat chakra, seeks to speak the truth, the heat chakra, 
seeks to radiate love, the solar plexus, seeks to engage your will, the sexual 
chakra, seeks for pleasure, magic and creativity, the root chakra seeks 
At the higher planes, the third eye energy seeks to see the 'Oneness' of things.
But, at the highest level, of soul engagement, the eternal is experienced.
So, as we allow the energy of the crown chakra to open, and are relieved of 
enough fear, and stuckness in our systems, then we can radiate the 'Heaven on 
Earth' type of experience that we came here, ultimately to accomplish...
Ultimately, we all wanted to come here, from the 'Other Side', 
To see how much of that soul energy we could manifest in the physical.
So, you can see someone like a Maharishi or a Barack Obama,
On that level of impacting the people of the earth...
How much these two have accomplished...
People or souls, like Lincoln's, Kennedy's, Lennon's, Bono, Madonna, Clinton's, 
and so on.
Heresay, some more:


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