November 3rd, 2008 11:33 PM.
'Barack Obama appears to be reincarnation of Jesus of Nazareth'
According to my intuitive feeling, on this subject, which I have concentrated 
on for quite sometime,
I believe Barack Obama to be a reincarnation of the one, Known as Jesus of 
'The obvious conclusion, to this thought, is that if it is true, or nearly 
Then we would be in store for one, 'Hell of a Ride!'
Because: When in history, even recorded history, has there been a leader:
Who just a few centuries ago, was brought before the ruling body, in Judea, 
He was brought before the Governor Pilot, who washed his hands of him...
This poor peasant boy, with cultured features, and a tongue of gold,
Well he was sentence to die, the most painful and humiliating kind of death,
Those forces of darkness es, that Jesus was attempting to dispell, so intense 
was the 'darkness of that time of Roman rule...
Greed, Murder, Lust were it's markers, leading the nation astray...
Now, it is planned, as was described, long ago, that the 'Master would 
And hold the reigns of power, so deserved by him to be Held.
So, it will be a time of enlightenment, peace and joy,
The natural human condition, that Maharishi(Mahesh Yogi),
Always described...
Nothing unusual about it...he said, repeatedly.
The other way we were living, 
NOW that IS unusual!


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