--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ From Newsweek, via HuffPost. Note that the 
> first (greeting staffers wearing only a towel)
> is probably why she was picked in the first
> place...Republicans are too uptight to go out
> and buy porn, so they're hoping for a glimpse
> of nudity closer to home. :-) Also note the
> timing of the second point, that Sarah Palin
> initiated the Obama-linked-to-Ayers attack on
> her own, "going rogue" before the camp author-
> ized her to do so, exactly as I said, and was
> pooh-poohed for saying here.

Goodness gracious me, Barry is lying. Quel
surprise! Even more surprising, he's told the
same lie before, and been corrected on it then.

No, that isn't what Barry was pooh-poohed for
saying. He was pooh-poohed for citing as the first
sign she was going rogue her use of the smear that
Obama had criticized U.S. troops for bombing
civilians in Afghanistan (when what he'd actually
been criticizing was the lack of troops to carry
out ground operations).

According to Barry, this was something she'd come
up with on her own after perusing anti-Obama Web
sites, an "old crapola smear" not even the McCain
campaign would have approved of her using.

In fact, it was a smear the McCain campaign had
revived in a press release just six weeks
previously. It wasn't Palin going rogue in that
instance, it was Palin citing a McCain talking

This information, BTW, was in the very article
Barry cited as support for his thesis. He just
hadn't bothered to read it to the end.

Bottom line: Barry goofed. And not only has he
never acknowledged his error, he's *lied* about
it in two different posts, using it in an attempt
to smear the person who corrected him.

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