TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well heeled FFL'ers Battlestar Gallactica fans can get a chance 
>> to bid on props from the show:
>> http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2008/11/battlestar-gala.html
>> I know Turq wants Tricia Helfer's red dress!
> You can have the dress. I want Tricia Helfer.
> I don't really CARE that she's a love-bot from
> beyond the stars...she's a really smokin' love-
> bot from beyond the stars.  :-)
You've got some competition there if you read the comments.  :-D

She's been hanging out on "Burn Notice" as of late.  BTW, have you 
checked out "Sons of Anarchy?"  That's one of the better series on TV.

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