> Of course it wasn't because of Nablusoss. Hillbillies have more 
> important priorities than worrying about politics, sharing and justice 
> for all; and we all know well what those priorities are.
> To give them the right to vote is ridicelous ! Damn Democracy !

Just what do you imagine the word "Hillbilly" means Nabby?  Do you
understand that it refers to a specific group of people whose
educational and economic backgrounds couldn't be more different from
my own?  You seem to have a cartoonish conception of American culture.

As far as your opinion that some groups of people shouldn't be allowed
to vote: we've sacrificed a lot of lives to preserve that freedom.  I
am happy that your anti-democracy position is completely against the
global trend.  Obama himself comes from a group of Americans who were
denied this right for waaaaay too long in our history due to the kind
of prejudice and marginalization of certain groups that you express. 
Using a phrase like "sharing and justice for all" as a disparaging
comment reveals not only a profound ignorance of important human
values, but a lack of understanding of the struggles in human history.

If I were to sum up your latest posts I could do it in two words:
ignorance and hate.  


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