Q. (1) Now that the US Congress has passed a financial bailout plan, 
how close is the US and the world to the worldwide stock market crash 
that Share International magazine has predicted? (2) Are we heading 
for a total economic collapse, or depression, worldwide as some have 
predicted, or (3) are the economic problems we are facing more 
limited in scope?

A. (1) This is the crash. We could not be closer. (2) Not total 
perhaps, but very far-reaching. (3) No. The entire economic system 
and thinking must be transformed. It will take the adoption of the 
principle of sharing to bring that about.

Q. Will Maitreya's message of sharing be more difficult to accept for 
some people now, given that the economic situation of many millions 
in the US and other developed nations is increasingly precarious?

A. On the contrary, it will show these nations that the old greedy 
and selfish ways do not work in a rational manner. Only sharing, in 
the end, will bring stability, justice and the peace we all desire.

Q. Are we facing the end of hypercapitalism?

A. Yes. According to the Masters the best ratio for successful, 
stable, fair government is: Socialism 70 per cent – Capitalism 30 per 
cent. At the present time the ratio in the US is 95 per cent 
Capitalism – 5 per cent Socialism. UK 85 per cent Capitalism – 15 per 
cent Socialism. France and Germany much the same. Scandinavia about 
40 per cent Capitalism – 60 per cent Socialism. For this reason the 
Scandinavian countries, except for Iceland, are the most stable and 

Q. A team of French scientists led by archaeologist Franck Goddio, 
announced that they have found a bowl dating to the first century AD, 
engraved with what they believe could be the world's first known 
reference to Christ: "DIA CHRSTOU O GOISTAIS." This has been 
interpreted by the archaeological team to mean either, "by Christ the 
magician" or, "the magician by Christ." (1) Do these words indeed 
refer to Jesus (overshadowed by Christ) during his time in Palestine, 
or (2) someone else? (3) Did the person who wrote the inscription 
know Jesus directly? (4) Did they mean "magician" in the derogatory 
way that it might be interpreted as today, which could mean a 
trickster etc?

A. (1) Yes. (2) No. (3) No. (4) No. On the contrary, they were meant 
to praise Jesus. They were inscribed 25 years after the death of 

Q. Famed Canadian neuroscientist Wilder Penfield thought that the 
mind may interface with the brain in part of the diencephalon. (1) Is 
that true? (2) If so, is there a specific part of the diencephalon 
that you can identify where the mind interfaces with the brain?

A. (1) Yes. (2) It is not in a part of, but in the diencephalon.

Q. (1) Should we have compassion for the Lords of Materiality? (2) Or 
should we pay them no attention at all?

A. (1) No. (2) Yes.

Q. How can one open the mind more – become less rigid or set in one's 

A. Become more tolerant of difference. Meet more people of opposing 
views and try to understand their point of view.

Q. What is the quality of Piscean energy and how is it different from 
the quality of Aquarian energy?

A. Idealism, devotion and individuality. As we have used them, 
however, they have demonstrated, through our marked individuality, as 
division, separation, fanaticism, fundamentalism. It has the ideals 
of unity, brotherhood, justice, freedom – but if you look around the 
world there's little sign of that brotherhood, or justice. These 
positive qualities need a broader view of these ideals; not a simple, 
fanatical bigoted view which has been the norm throughout Pisces.

We are living at the end of the age of Pisces and that's a problem. 
The energies began to be withdrawn in 1625. Our solar system has come 
into the same relationship as with Pisces, but now with the 
constellation of Aquarius; we are living in the early years of the 
Aquarian dispensation.

Aquarius is totally different – its qualities are those of synthesis; 
they will fuse and blend humanity together in a way which now seems 
impossible. It's difficult to imagine because of the influence of 
Pisces. The energies of Aquarius began to come into this solar system 
and to this planet in 1675 and they are gathering momentum with every 
day that passes. The energies are more or less equal – neither one 
dominates. The energies of Pisces are still somewhat more prevalent – 
about 58 per cent to 42 per cent. So not equal but relatively so.

We are still living in a world with the old structures which we 
created – political economic, scientific, religious, cultural and so 
on. All structures are the result of our response to the energies of 
Pisces. The governments of the world are struggling to cope with the 
situation of today and the future, with the tools of an age which has 
passed. All our concepts of international politics, of economic 
structures, of how humanity should live together are dominated by the 
concepts of Pisces. Yet here we are living in the early days of 
Aquarius. And we wonder why life is so difficult.

It is difficult because we are trying to do what belongs to tomorrow 
with the knowledge, the concepts, the ways of thinking, the old ways 
of the past. The aim of Aquarius is to create unity and synthesis – 
but how can you do that if you have only the technique of competition 
to bring that about. It cannot be done. You can only make unity with 
co-operation. It is the lack of co-operation, the emphasis on 
competition, which is the major obstacle to change for the better in 
every aspect of our lives. It is a contradiction in terms.  


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