Case 1: The use of misogynist language, even in
an obvious joke, is a Bad Thing, and a way of
perpetuating and encouraging violence against

Case 2: The use of language that claims that a 
Presidential candidate is a terrorist is a Good
Thing, a thing of honor, a thing protected by
free speech, even though it results in over
500 *actual* death threats against that candidate.

The preceding is a service of Wikimedia, to help
those afflicted by being born male to understand
the difference between these two cases.

Fears grow for Barack Obama's security

When Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech behind a thick screen of
bulletproof glass it was a sign of the huge security operation which
will surround the new President Elect.

By Robert Winnett, 10 Nov 2008

Fears are growing that Mr Obama, who will become America's first black
president following his inauguration next year, will be the subject of
an assassination attempt.

The secret service is reported to have already investigated more than
500 death threats against Mr Obama during the presidential election
contest. Last month, two neo-Nazi skinheads were arrested for
conspiring to assassinate Mr Obama.

He is expected to be protected by a secret service detail with
hundreds of close-protection agents. Over the past few weeks, the US
government has also begun secretly testing a new ultra-secure
presidential limousine able to withstand most bomb blasts and terror
attacks. Details of his movements will be a closely guarded secret for
all but his most senior aides.

The scale of US presidential security is already on a different scale
to that for British Prime Ministers with huge motorcades accompanying
US presidents when they leave the White House.

Mr Obama received full secret service protection in May 2007, much
earlier than most presidential candidates. His secret service codename
is "renegade".

His wife, Michelle, is said to be particularly concerned about the
threats that he now faces. However, Mr Obama previously said: "It's
not something that I'm spending time thinking about day to day. I
think anybody who decides to run for president recognises that there
are some risks involved."

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