Cult Watch
10 Points to look out for in your group members
1.Obsession about group or the leader putting it above most other
2.Member's individual identity becomes increasingly fused with the
group, the leader and/or God followed by the group.Cloning of the
group members or leader's personal behaviors.
3.Emotional overreaction when the group or leader is criticized. Seen
as evil persecution.
4.Belief that the group is "THE WAY" and they have a mission
5.Increasing dependency upon the group or leader for problem solving,
explanations,  definitions and analysis, and corresponding decline in
real, independent thought.
6.Excessive hyperactivity and work for the group or leader, at the
expense of private or family interests. Drifting away from family and
old friends
7.Preparedness to blindly follow the group or leader and defend
actions or statements without seeking independent verification.
8.Demonization of former members or members of alternative groups.
9.Desire to be praised for doing the right thing and fear of public rebuke
10.Unhealthy wish to be seen with or aligned publicly with the
leader(s) of the group

--- In, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> a friend of mine from Canada was in Guyana at the time teaching TM.
> The parents of one of the other TM teachers from Canada was so 
> freaked out she called the RCMP.
> A propos of a previous posting, my friend says that the government 
> there continually accused them of being CIA agents.
> --- In, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When this happened, I was in Iran on the World Peace 
> Project/Minister
> > Training Course. I was fascinated with this and skipped the 
> evening meeting
> > to read the TIME Magazine cover story about it. My course buddies 
> freaked
> > out because I was in someone else¹s room and they couldn¹t find me 
> and
> > figured I might have been kidnapped or something.
> > 
> > on 11/18/03 11:26 AM, Captain Mars at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > Dear Friends:
> > >  
> > > Interesting segment on TV this morning, in recognition of the 
> 25th anniversary
> > > of the tragedy in Jonestown.
> > >  
> > > Reminding uss that more than 900 followers committed suicide or 
> were murdered
> > > under the orders of the cult leader, Jim Jones.
> > >  
> > > Reports indicate Jones suffered from paranoia and, among other 
> things, thought
> > > the CIA had infiltrated his organization.
> > >  
> > > CM

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