--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This week is the 30th anniversary of Jonestown. I was in Iran
> on the world peace project when it happened and my buddies
> freaked out when I went missing one night. I didn't show up
> for a meeting because I was in a friend's room reading about
> the incident in his TIME magazine.

In a post back in June, I quoted an alt.m.t post
from John Knapp of Trancenet (and lately of the
TMFree blog) concerning the purported reaction of
his TTCC to news of Jonestown, in the context of
some hysterical press releases he'd sent out about
one of MMY's projects to send TM teachers to third 
world countries, which he repeatedly warned was
likely to turn into another Jonestown.

Here it is again, along with my comments. Knapp

"(As fate would have it, the Guyana massacre happened
during my Teacher Training Phase III. I remember we
all held our breath when the TV anchorman announced
a massacre among a religious community in Central
America. Was he talking about the Maharishi's World
Peace Project? Many of us had TM governor friends in
Central America at that very moment, rounding to save
the world from nuclear disaster.)"

The "World Peace Project" Knapp refers to involved
groups of TM-Sidhis practitioners going to various
trouble spots (Nicaragua for one) to do their
program together.

The TMers weren't there to "save the world from
nuclear disaster," but rather with the goal of
calming down ongoing local hostilities.

Nor, of course, were Knapp and his TTC buddies
"holding their breaths" because they feared a
Jonestown-like tragedy among the TMers in Nicaragua.
Rather, they were concerned that the TMers might
have become innocent casualties of the fighting--a
very real possibility which, thankfully, did not

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