I won't be the only one to suggest that this election has been one of
the most interesting and significant of my lifetime. It has brought
tears, intense emotions of relief, and of course, hope for some
people, while also evoking its opposite in others. This must always be
so. The wise Chinese philosophers understood that the greater the
intensity of one side of something will automatically bring about an
equal intensity on the other. Please take a look at this NY Times
article for one example of this.


This isn't the only picture I've seen about the sudden upsurge in the
purchase of all sorts of weapons. It does represent something that I
think we may want to remember, especially as the nation and world
enters a very difficult period beginning in 2010. This election in
particular and politics in general forms a backdrop to a deeper and
very profound cultural shift that is coming. Yes, economic struggles,
which are already taking place, are likely to continue and become more
severe, but this isn't all of it. What is coming is a new paradigm
itself that is necessary given all the complex and interrelated
problems this country and the world is facing. The Saturn-Uranus
opposition has just begun and will occur 4 more times over the next
two years. And then Pluto also becomes involved in the energy of our

This is important in my judgment because it means that there will be
intense opposition to the changes that will be introduced. While
Obama's message is about hope, it is most of all about unity, about
coming together for a common purpose. That very message will
necessarily also include resentment and fear by many. Already many
people are expressing their fear of an emerging tyranny, brought about
by Obama's intention (they believe) of turning this country into a
socialistic and government-run set of institutions.

This reminds me of one of the oddest aspects of this past election.
Prior to the election many thought that Obama represented the Uranian
side of the opposition as his theme was about change, while McCain was
the Saturnian side with his experience, age, and wisdom. Yet, it
turned out that Obama was seen as the calm one, the one who could stay
centered in the middle of the turbulent times we're in (Saturn) and
McCain was seen as the more erratic one, the maverick, who was capable
of doing the unexpected at any moment (Uranus). How strange that
turned out to be. It is typical of Uranus that it creates the most
unexpected of scenarios. I've always thought that it is absurd to try
to predict what Uranus will do, since the more you think you
understand it, the more it will undermine that very understanding.
Uranus is considered to be the higher octave of Mercury and both
manifest the archetypal trickster, often enjoying doing whatever no
one could ever predict.

I know many people are relieved that Obama won the election. It is
however, in my opinion, just the beginning of a cycle that promises to
be full of surprises and disappointments as something bigger than
anything we can see now begins to emerge. 

Jim Sher


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