Hey, I found it fascinating, and others here might
as well. 



    * Very similar levels of religious participation and daily
prayer/weekly attendance of church between Obama voters and McCain voters.
    * Very different ways of interpreting the Bible.
    * Half of McCain voters believe Obama is or was Muslim, with 31.7%
saying "He used to be Muslim and still has too many connections to Islam."
    * Many more Obama voters believe McCain ran an unchristian
campaign, rather than vice versa.
    * Among the most religious voters, Obama supporters believe that
education is the best way to reduce abortion, while McCain supporters
prefer bans and restrictions on abortion.
    * Supporters of each candidate doubt the religious sincerity of
the other candidate.

Lots of charts and raw data, for those who get
off on such things. Not a random sampling, as
the survey was advertised via the Beliefnet site,
and thus the 4,400 participants self-selected
themselves. But I still find it interesting.

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