>From the New York Times today:

One of the more disconcerting leaks about Gov. Sarah Palin turned out
to be true.

Ms. Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, arrived in
Phoenix, Ariz., on election night hoping to deliver her own concession
speech. "It was a great speech," Ms. Palin told Matt Lauer on the
"Today" show on Tuesday.

Aides to her running mate, Senator John McCain, told her it was not
customary for the No. 2 to speak, she said. "But, you know, I thought,
even if it was unprecedented, so what, you know?" Ms. Palin told Mr.
Lauer. "Geez, let's do something a little bit out of the box there."

My guess is that Sarah is unaware that Geez is short for Jesus. She
probably thinks it's "just a word." But this fanatical Christian was,
as they say, "taking the name of the Lord in vain." Wonder what the
"base" thinks of that?

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