Robert wrote:
> Deepak Chopra, was on some show last night, I forget which one, but 
> the glasses...what's with the 'Elton John' glasses? I don't get it.
> He's supposed to appear on 'Morning Joe' this morning...
> Man, Maharishi really attracted some pretty weird people to him...!
> or, Maybe they got weirder over time...myself included...
> R.G.
He's been wearing those for a while.  They are probably diamond studded 
or with some gem that is suppose to protect his eyes.  Or they could 
just be a sign of affluence.  If his vision isn't that good then he 
might be in a helluva fix if someone holds him up for them.

Regarding weird, however, do you mean "difference" from the rest of the 
bumps out there?  If so, I'll take weird any day over being a "bump."

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