On Nov 12, 2008, at 6:21 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

> Hey Vaj, thanks for adding your POV.  I think that is exactly right, I
> don't care enough or have a strong enough belief system to support
> wanting to try another practice. As I said, my meditation benifit's
> bar is very low.
> I don't think it is from still having a belief in TM being special.

Probably not. Not necessary to hold that belief to have it come back,  
just necessary that you set those grooves in motion. Any meditation  
technique becomes automatic after a while.

> I
> don't believe in any of the Maharishi model concerning the experience,
> during, or after.  I am definitely not using my experience as evidence
> that TM is anything more than my personal habit.  I haven't meditated
> in months after my brief fling to reacquaint myself with the practice.
> I found the regularity that I fell into to be a greater investment of
> time than the results warranted for me.

After years of introspecting meditation, sometimes that gets old. Esp.  
if your life-focus out in the world and you're loving that. In such  
cases "playing Mr. Introvert" goes against the grain.

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