On Nov 13, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Dick Richardson wrote:

Listen up you guys,

OK, now this is where it starts to get good...
Does not anybody here have anything to say? You are either taking the piss out of anybody who says anything, or just quoting other people and sending links. Have you nothing to say?

No, nothing. We're a bunch of mindless bores.  Welcome!
What is wrong with your own life experience? Have you not had any? Have you spent all your time zapped out in meditation and shutting the world out?

That's it--we're all just *too* evolved.
Come on for Ker-Riced sake – SAY SOMETHING for yourself – it is like listening to bloody gramophone records and zombies – like walking through a grave yard here. You will not be able say anything here when you are dead and you will not leave footprints in the sands of time this way amigo's WAKE UP and stop playing dead eh.

Is your mouse stuck, Dick?

 Sal the Tooth Fairy

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