"During an interview on 60 Minutes last night President-elect Barack
Obama said he plans to close the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay
and rebuild the nation's moral stature. Last week, the Associated
Press reported Obama advisers are crafting a plan that would put some
Guantanamo Bay prisoners in front of a new court system designed to
handle so-called "national security" cases."

  [http://www.democracynow.org/images/nav/dn_logo_print.gif]   11/17/08
As Obama Vows to Close Guantanamo, His Advisers Are Reportedly Crafting
a Plan to Create a New System of Preventive Detention and National
Security Courts
http://tinyurl.com/5fywnv <http://tinyurl.com/5fywnv>


Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights and
author of "The Trial of Donald Rumsfeld: A Prosecution by Book."
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AMY GOODMAN: Michael Ratner, I wanted to play for you, once again, what
Barack Obama said last night on 60 Minutes in his interview with Steve

STEVE KROFT: There are a number of different things that you could do
early on pertaining to executive orders.


STEVE KROFT: One of them is to shut down Guantanamo Bay.


STEVE KROFT: Another is to change interrogation methods that are used by
US troops. Are those things that you plan to take early action on?

PRESIDENT-ELECT BARACK OBAMA: Yes. I have said repeatedly that I intend
to close Guantanamo, and I will follow through on that. I have said
repeatedly that America doesn't torture, and I'm going to make
sure that we don't torture. Those are part and parcel of an effort
to regain America's moral stature in the world.

AMY GOODMAN: There you have President-elect Barack Obama saying he's
going to close Guantanamo and make sure the US doesn't torture.

MICHAEL RATNER: Well, obviously, I mean, we at the Center represent
scores of Guantanamo people, scores of people who have been tortured.
And, of course, this is a very, very important statement. I mean, this
is a shift. This is someone who I now believe will close Guantanamo and
I hope will apply the anti-torture rules to not just the military, but
to the CIA and everybody else. So that's actually very positive.

The negative part is really what we've seen come out, floated by
ostensibly members of the transition team and others, which are two
issues. I called it re-wrapping Guantanamo to make it more palatable,
not at Gauntanamo, but maybe here. One is preventive detention, and the
other is national security courts. And they work together. If you really
look at what Guantanamo was, it's essentially a preventive detention
facility where the United States really tried to give people no legal
rights to challenge that preventive detention. Finally, we got into
federal court, etc. That's what it represents: preventive detention
and bad, bad court review. So what you see in these new proposals, which
are really from—they're being floated slowly, maybe they're
from academics, they're from transition people, saying we may need a
preventive detention scheme, which is incredible to me. I mean,
we've have 200 years of a country and never had to have a preventive
detention scheme.

AMY GOODMAN: Explain what you mean by "preventive detention."

MICHAEL RATNER: Preventive detention is really what we see at
Guantanamo. It's when you are put into a prison without being
charged with a crime and without having a trial on that charge. It means
you're put into a prison for national security reasons, because
you're, quote, "dangerous." And in this case, the proposals
that seem to be working together, preventive detention and national
security courts, are—yes, we may need to jail people because they
are dangerous or national security threats, and even for that, their
testing of that preventive detention can't occur in a regular court,
we don't think they're sufficient enough, we're going to set
up national security courts to do that.

So what you're really seeing is a re-wrapping of Guantanamo in a
legal—in a legal new paper to make it more palatable. I hope that
doesn't happen. I hope there's huge objections. The idea that
this country would go into a preventive detention at this point and
special courts, after we've been litigating for years to say these
people have a right to get into a federal court and we shouldn't
have a preventive detention scheme, is remarkable to me. And I would
just—I would really think that while it's great that he wants to
close Guantanamo and end torture, I mean, to set up an alternate scheme
is really un-American.

AMY GOODMAN: The Associated Press is reporting that Obama advisers are
crafting a plan that would put the prisoners in US courts. Under the
proposal, some prisoners would be freed, while others would be sent to
trial in criminal courts in the United States. A third group would go in
front of a new court system designed to handle so-called national
security cases.

MICHAEL RATNER: You know, at Guantanamo, there's 255 people. The
majority of those just should be released. I mean, that's clear, if
not almost everybody. The rest of them should be tried in federal
courts. What this floated piece by the AP report is saying, yeah,
we'll try some of them, we'll free most of them, but some of
them are going to be put in these national security courts and held in
preventive detention.

The question is, why? What are we doing here? The reasons they give are,
we can't disclose classified information, and maybe we can't
prove that they actually committed crimes. Well, classified information
is dealt with all the time in our federal courts. There's hundreds
of trials in which they have methods of dealing with classified
information. The other issue is more serious. Yes, they may only have
evidence from torture against some people. Well, that shouldn't be
allowed to hold people in national security courts or in regular courts.
In fact, if anything, national security courts and preventive detention,
in my view, will encourage torture, because you'll have special ways
of holding people without being able to suppress the evidence. I mean,
it's amazing. What they're taking is essentially a made-up
problem, much like the ticking time bomb, and trying to build an entire
superstructure of preventive detention and national security courts on
top of it, when we don't even ever have one of those so-called
ticking time bombs.

AMY GOODMAN: Michael Ratner, I want to thank you for being with us,
president of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

A cautionary note from James Madison:
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the
people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by
violent and sudden usurpations."

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