--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As I wrote about earlier, pretending that the
> criticism or insult aimed at you *personally*
> is really about a group is an old cultist's 
> trick, used to pretend it really *isn't* 
> about you personally. But it is.

Following up on this, just because it's a 
fun topic, I think the issue is that some
people react to being called a name by
pretending that the name was "really" meant 
to refer not to them personally but to a 
group that they feel that they are "symbols" 

If you are a public figure, someone strongly
associated with one or more groups, that is
actually a somewhat valid stance. Barack 
Obama actually IS a symbol for black men
everywhere, because he's shown them what
they can accomplish.

But if you're basically a media nobody, and
the full extent of your public recognition
is being a loud fish in the small pond of an
obscure Internet chat group, then how valid 
-- or even sane -- is that stance?

I'm such a media nobody. No one outside this
group knows me by the name I use here. I 
live in Spain, but does that make any insult 
hurled at me an insult to all Spanish? I am 
a writer, but does that make any disparaging
remarks said about me also about writers in 

What I'm getting at is that this claim that
criticism of or insults hurled at a *particular*
woman is also de facto an insult hurled at ALL
women is bullshit. 

If I call you a name, I'm really calling YOU
a name. You're not a symbol for diddleysquat;
you're YOU, and that's the person I'm insulting.

Get the concept?

Let me give you an example. If I were to say
to Dr. Pete, "Pete, you're a nanner-nanner 
pooh-pooh head," even though Dr. Pete is a 
psychologist I am not calling ALL psycholo-
gists pooh-pooh heads. Even though Dr. Pete
is a man, I am casting no aspersions on the
pooh-pooh-headedness of ALL men. 

We all know that Dr. Pete is not really a 
nanner-nanner pooh-pooh head, so such claims
about it being an insult to all shrinks and
all men are not likely to be made. On the other 
hand, we all know by now that if anyone dares 
to tell a couple of women on this forum what
they think of them -- and tell THEM directly, 
not any group the women mistakenly believe 
themselves to be symbols for -- that person 
will be accused of criticizing all women. 

And if you choose to call me names now for
suggesting that calling one woman a name is 
NOT equivalent to calling ALL women that name, 
watch your ass because I'm a writer and I'll 
have the Writer's Union on your ass in a 

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