--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Everyone greeting each other and shaking hands, but Bush walks with
> > his head down like the dejected most unpopular kid in high school. 
> > 
> > Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Y_ncOVlDw
> >
> This is the most biased, bullshit story I've seen in a while.
> I saw the video posted on the HuffingtonPost on this...haven't seen 
> the one Bongo Brazil posts above...but on the one I saw, if you look 
> at the world leader two people in line behind Bush, you see that that 
> person doesn't shake everyone's hand either.
> We have no idea why Bush didn't shake everyone's hand. Perhaps he 
> already did a meet and greet with each one?  Perhaps he already shook 
> 1,000 hands that morning and felt these guys would understand why he 
> didn't do it again?
> Plus, if you look at the end of the HuffPo clip, you see that he is 
> smiling and joking with whoever is beside him when he stops and 
> stands.  Harly an "I was snubbed" attitude.
> Only unthinking automatrons like Bongo Brazil can be fed such tripe 
> and believe it without critical thinking and without thinking for 
> themselves.
> Your overpowering hatred for Bush and all things American color your 
> worldview and your reasoning faculties, Bongo.

Magoo's favorite worst US president in history got picked on again? Oh

Got any more 'expert' climate change deniers to push, Magoo? How's
your 401K doing, BTW? 

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