A sexaholic is one who *must* have sex, and is unable to control the
appetite, gay or straight. Outside of just being a scourge on the
individual and society it inhibits his ability to use the sex energy
(kama or shakti) for the far superior and lasting creative effects it
can produce.

Anyone who has sex for sex's sake is a fool who trades in a diamond
for a bag of spinach. Addiction to sex inhibits the ability of the
soul to transcend during meditation and experience the far superior joy
of eternal bliss.

If the shakti energy is tied up in the lower chakras governing lust,
anger and greed (the lower three) the kundalini pranic fire sleeping
in the muladhar chakra (root chakra) will not awake taking the
consciousness or jiva with it.

The process of transcending is withdrawing the prana from the mind and
senses, (pratyahara) this is not possible if strong attachments are
impeding the withdrawal of this pranic force.

Samskaras (impressions or memories from sex indulgences, etc.) exist
in the subconscious mind and have their correlation in the physical
body (MMY calls these stresses), these vrittis (whirlpools in the
chitta or mind) must be stilled (nirodha) through the application of
Patanjali's 8 limbs of Yoga, chastity being in one of these limbs!

Until these vrittis (or sleeping elephants as MMY calls them) are
completely stilled the prana will not withdraw and take the soul or
jiva to transcendental consciousness. Through *grace* during TM and
*effort* through living a moral ethical life as recommended by
Patanjali, salvation (freedom from the wheel of birth and death,
samsara) are possible.

You can't have your cake and eat it too!  Either you live a good life
and have sex for the reasons it was created in marriage with the view
to children in the Grahasta period of life (one of four of life's
stages) and be happy and have good meditations or, you slip into
addictions which rob the soul of its peace of mind and hold one in
material slavery. Sex for sex's sake is inconsistent with the
spiritual life.......

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