"So a mere two weeks after victory, `hope and 
change' and `a break from the past' reified 
into parceling out posts to dozens of Clintonite 
retreads, plenty of the old requisite Ivy-League 
law degrees, ample influence from establishment 
ex-lobbyists, de rigueur Sidwell Friends for the 
kids, and apparent sudden existential angst and 
uncertainty over FISA, getting out pronto from 
Iraq, closing down the Constitution-shredding 
Gitmo, and overturning the McCarthyite Patriot 
Act—and all to acclaim and relief from aristocratic 
Beltway pundits of both parties? So that was all 
the election was about? Just new faces on the 
same old, same old?"

Read more:

'So that was it?'
Posted by Victor Davis Hanson
The Corner, Saturday, November 22, 2008

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