--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> On Behalf Of authfriend
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 8:45 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The flavor of FairfieldLife
> > You see? There you go again. Sucked into the old
> > Barry/Judy game.
> "Sucked into"?? By whom, Rick? Not by me.
> Agreed. Sucked in by his own habit patterns.
> *Most* of Barry's Judy-bashing posts are de novo,
> not in response to anything I've said about him.
> That's the case with all four of the Judy-bashing
> posts he's made this morning.
> Again agreed.
> I'm giving
> > you a hard time about this because I think you have
> > greater capacity to drop the game than she does
> If you really think that, you haven't been paying
> attention.
> You're both guilty. I get the impression that
> Barry may be better able to break the cycle,
> but please prove me wrong.

You're well aware that Barry has vowed to stop
*innumerable* times but never has. How can you
suggest he's "better able to break the cycle"?

We're both "guilty" of bashing each other,
but what you're not getting is how much
worse his bashing is than mine. He *initiates*
most of the bashes; and the vast, vast majority
involve blatant lies and gross distortions.

My bashes are largely reactive, consisting of
pointing out those lies and distortions. But
you don't read them, so you aren't aware of

> Plus which, you don't say a word, again, about
> his incredibly unfair and simply untrue bash above
> of enlightened_dawn, who has posted far more 
> original stuff since she's been here than Barry has
> in that period.
> Haven't been following that discussion closely.

It's not just "that discussion," Rick. Barry's
saying (in what you snipped) that she's never
posted *anything* original here. That's simply
false; she's posted quite a bit--more, as I
said, than Barry has since she arrived.

> There's something horribly wrong with your sense
> of fairness where Barry is concerned. The ratio
> of his bashing to nonbashing posts--and not just
> those bashing me--is way higher than anybody
> else's here.
> Could be. I don't like the bashing whoever's
> doing it. Nobody's innocent. I was just
> looking for a possible way to stop it.

Nobody's "innocent," but some are guiltier
than others.

You're correct to direct your attempt at
Barry, who is by *far* the worst offender;
but not on the basis that he's "better able"
to stop.

> Part of your problem, I think, is that you don't
> bother to read his or my bashes. That's 
> understandable, but it also means you aren't in
> any position to evaluate the situation overall.
> True. In fact, I just snipped a bunch of stuff
> without reading it, because it was getting too
> long and I have to get to work.

As I said, that's understandable. But then you
turn around and suggest that Barry's the one
being victimized, and that he should just "turn
the other cheek," which doesn't address what's
actually going on. You don't *know* what's
going on. You can't hope to take effective
measures if you don't know what you're taking
measures *against*.

The "moratorium" notion, with gullible_fool as
the ultimate judge, is absurd. He's made it
amply clear he loathes me, and he's a huge fan
of Barry's. He doesn't read my posts, so he
has no idea either how atrociously dishonest
Barry's bashes are (and he wouldn't care even
if he did).

You know damn well what would happen. Barry would
post one of his "anonymous" bashes in which he
doesn't actually use names but makes it very
clear who he's targeting. gullible_fool would
give it a pass because with no names used, it
wasn't a "personal attack." If I responded to
correct the lies and distortions, he'd find me
guilty of bashing. He's incapable of being a
fair judge.

As far as I can see, there's only one way to
stop it, and that's for everyone to read both
Barry's and my posts, come down hard on whoever
they think is being dishonest and unfair, and
refuse to interact with that person until they
clean up their act.

But that's not going to happen, of course.

Also, if you think the only bashing that goes
on here is that between Barry and me, again,
you haven't been paying attention.

Plus which, there's baseless bashing just for
the sake of bashing (which is what Barry normally
does), and there's critical, reasoned commentary
in response to what someone has said (which is
what I normally do). What you want to stop is
the former; if you try to stop the latter too,
you'll end up with utter blandness.

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