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From: David Orme-Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 1:07 PM
To: David Orme-Johnson
Subject: New summary of the Maharishi Effect research with bibliography


Dear Colleagues, 


Attached is a recent summary and complete bibliography of research on the
effects of the Transcendental Meditation and TM Sidhi programs on the
collective behavior of society, indicating reduced crime, war, and
improvement in quality of life in many areas. 


This is from Dr. Craig Pearson's new book, The Complete Book of Yogic
Flying, which is a superb scholarly documentation of the phenomenon. It
includes accounts of Yogic Flying throughout history, examples of subjective
experiences of how it feels with lots of pictures, theoretical discussions
of how it works, documentation of historic projects around the world where
it has been implemented to reduce violence and increase harmony, summaries
of the extensive scientific research, and a vision of a healthier, more
peaceful, creative humanity that is now emerging in the world. 


It is a truly wonderful book. You can order it from Maharishi University of
Management Press.




All the best, 





David W. Orme-Johnson,Ph.D.


 <http://www.truthabouttm.com/> www.TruthAboutTM.com


191 Dalton Dr.

Seagrove Beach, FL 32459


850-231-5012 Fax


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