On Nov 25, 2008, at 4:52 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:

The picture you linked to shows a standard
motif used in Himalayan thankha or scroll
paintings for enlightened beings, (accept
of course for the guy they pasted in there :-)).

You mean, it's standard practice to show
someone levitating? Disregard the mountains
and accouterments for the moment.

Flying is generally depicted in differently in enlightenment art, there's actually a recent book on Flying Siddhas in traditional himalayan, The Flying Mystics of Tibetan Buddhism which goes into this in some detail. The one shown in your link is actually that typically shown as an aureole or a bindu, tiglay in Tibetan. When a yogi enters the state of unity consciousness, there are a series of visionary states that naturally develop and often this is the form other inter- dimensional beings manifest in.

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