> >
> I had a Mormon tell me the same thing on a long road trip after he
> told me all about how my personality will live forever in heaven
> reunited with my family. 
> People who recall past lives have predictable results to source
> monitoring tests.
> http://www.livescience.com/strangenews/070406_past_lives.html
> Past lives are as fantasy based on "hard wired" predilections of the
> There is too much evidence that past lives don't exist.  Its not even
> a cross-cultural myth.


It seems to me that the subject of reincarnation cannot be separated
from what you think is true about the nature of time and the personal
self.As far as what we call time is concerned the separation between
past,present and future is actually an illusion or at least Einstein
thought so.It's hard to think of an individual reincarnating if all
his/her lifetimes are happening simultaneously.Also is there a
personal self that exists independent of it's parts e.g the body?OTOH
I think that there can exist a connection between material entities
e.g different beings who exist at different points in space-time(see
Dean Radin "Entangled Minds" and " 20 Cases Suggestive of
Reincarnation" by Ian Stevenson(whose work actually got some favorable
comments from Carl Sagan in his book the Demon Haunted World)Just my
two cents about a topic which I doubt there ever will be universal

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