Blow to vitamins as antidote to ageing

Antioxidants fail to protect body, study concludes - Theory cited by
health food industry is wrong

The notion that antioxidant supplements such as vitamins C and E could
slow ageing has been dealt a blow by a scientific study showing that
the theory behind the advice is wrong.

Beloved of health food shops and glossy magazines alike, antioxidants
have long been peddled as preventative pills that have the ability to
slow ageing and protect against diseases such as cancer. But the
research has shown that the molecular mechanism proposed to explain
how they work is mistaken.

David Gems, at University College London, who led the study, said: "It
really demonstrates finally that trying to boost your antioxidant
levels is very unlikely to have any effect on ageing."

The dominant theory for ageing has been around since the 1950s; it
blames glitches in cells caused by the damaging byproducts of our
metabolism. As cells break down sugars to release energy, they also
unleash reactive forms of oxygen such as superoxide. These supposedly
cause the damage which is the hallmark of ageing.

Gems' team set about testing the theory that raising or lowering the
body's natural defences against superoxide could affect an
individual's lifespan: make the defences stronger, and lifespan should
increase; make them weaker, and it should decrease.

As it would be unethical to experiment on humans, his team used the
nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans. By tweaking its genes, the
scientists were able to "tune" the worms' natural defences - enzymes
it produces to tackle superoxide. However, this made no difference to
the worms' lifespan.

"You can drastically change the natural defence levels and there's
just no effect on ageing," said Gems, who published his results
yesterday in the journal Genes and Development. He added that
molecular damage was probably caused by numerous different chemicals
within the cell."With increasing lifespan comes greater exposure and
vulnerability to the ageing process," said Alan Schafer, head of
molecular and physiological sciences at the Wellcome Trust. "Research
such as this points to how much we have to learn about ageing, and the
importance of understanding the mechanisms behind this process. This
new study will encourage researchers to explore new avenues in ageing

Gems's findings coincide with a recent US study on the effectiveness
of antioxidants against cancer. The clinical trial on nearly 15,000
men tested whether vitamin C and E supplements were effective against
the disease. After following the subjects for several years,
researchers found no statistical difference in the number of cancers
between the groups taking the vitamins and those on a placebo.

~~The Guardian:

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