Since both India and Pakistan are said to have between 50 and 100 atom
bombs each, a nuclear war between the two would kill a very large
number of people. The large amount of extra radiation in the world
would also increase the rate of evolution of disease organisms, which
might lead to a decrease in the world's human population from one or
more severe epidemics. Many people in the Islamic nations are
beginning to become quite upset with the terrorism, so they will try
to bring about its reduction.

Two things:

1. We need to make everyone in the Islamic nations hopeful about the
future. This could be done by setting up procedures and programs which
would ensure that every nation in the world rises to a developed
standard of living, in an economy safe for the environment. A
guideline of working for the benefit of all nations simultaneously
should be formally adopted. About ten years ago, I did send a plan to
the Indian governments economic development think tank in Mumbai, and
the development economists there thought it would work, but also
thought that politically, it could not be adopted. That is possible,
but it wouldn't hurt to try. The idea would be an international
economic development think tank which would work to come up with new
international coordinations which would simultaneously improve the
economy of all nations in the world. Since the world's economic system
is so complicated, I suggested that a new supercomputer much more
powerful than any now in existence be built, and used to construct an
economic model much better than any current ones, which would include
and coordinate fine details of the international economy,
environmental effects, new research needed, and  sociological effects.
The think tank would have several thousand top world experts in
developmental economics, environmental science, materials engineering,
alternative energy production, sociology, social work, psychology of
creative thinking, etc. A number of the world's top computer
programmers would be included. The extremely advanced computer model
would be used to test new economic coordination ideas. That is to say,
a proposed new idea would be put into the model to see if it would
work and if it would have any negative side effects which would have
to be corrected by a revision of the idea. Once a coordination idea
were developed, it would be presented to the world's nations for their
consideration. The governments of the world would then decide whether
or not to implement the recommendation. If the recommendation were of
obvious benefit to everyone, the governments would probably usually
adopt it. If there were some question, the think tank would try to
come up with something better. With this in place, people would have
an International think tank they could trust, so would be less likely
to give support to terrorists claiming to be protecting them.

B. It might be a good idea to place the terrorists in mental hospitals
rather than jail them. Then psychiatrists and psychologists could
study the terrorists to find out more about their mental health
problems. There are obvious mental health problems involved when
people decide to become suicide bombers and so forth instead of
working out constructive solutions to problems. Perhaps with more
knowledge about what these mental health problems are, people who had
those problems could be treated before they joined a terrorist group.
But we need good psychiatric knowledge of what is wrong with the
mental health of the terrorists.


--- In, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By Rina Chandran
> MUMBAI (Reuters) - The fallout from a three-day rampage that killed
nearly 200 people in Mumbai threatened on Sunday to unravel India's
improving ties with Pakistan and prompted the resignation of India's
security minister.
> New Delhi said it was raising security to a "war level" and had no
doubt of a Pakistani link to the attacks, which unleashed anger at
home over the intelligence failure and the delayed response to the
violence that paralyzed India's financial capital.
> Officials in Islamabad have warned any escalation would force it to
divert troops to the Indian border and away from a U.S.-led
anti-militant campaign on the Afghan frontier.
> Newspaper commentaries blasted politicians for failing to prevent
the attacks and for taking advantage of its fallout before voting in
Delhi on Saturday and national polls due by May.
> Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he would boost and
overhaul the nation's counterterrorism capabilities, an announcement
which came after Federal Home Minister Shivraj Patil resigned over the
> "We share the hurt of the people and their sense of anger and
outrage," Singh said. "Several measures are already in place ... But
clearly much more needs to be done and we are determined to take all
necessary measures to overhaul the system," he said.
> Air and sea security would be increased, and India's main
counter-terrorist National Security Guard would be increased in size
and given more regional bases, he said in a statement.
> Singh also named Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram -- much
derided as finance minister but respected for his work overhauling
India's security agencies as a junior minister in the 1990s -- to take
over Patil's job.
> Singh, an economist by training, will take over the finance
portfolio for now, the government said.
> Analysts said they expect India's financial markets to get a boost
from the personnel changes.
> "Markets will rejoice," Arum Kejriwal, a strategist at research firm
Kris, said of Chidambaram and Patil. "People will accept that the
government has removed two non-performers and this can positively
influence the markets."
> Indian stocks closed up marginally after markets opened on Friday,
the first time since the attacks, while the rupee fell. But analysts
said it had already been under pressure.
> Indian officials have said most, if not all, of the 10 Islamist
attackers who held Mumbai hostage came from Pakistan.
> The tension between the nuclear rivals has raised the prospect of a
breakdown of peace efforts going on since 2004. The two nations have
fought three wars since 1947, when Muslim Pakistan was carved out of
Hindu-majority India.
> They went to the brink of a fourth conflict after a 2001 militant
attack on the Indian parliament which New Delhi also blamed on Pakistan.
> "We will increase security and strengthen it at a war level like we
have never done it before," Sriprakash Jaiswal, India's minister of
state for home affairs, told Reuters on Sunday.
> "They can say what they want, but we have no doubt that the
terrorists had come from Pakistan," Jaiswal said.
> An official in Islamabad said the next one to two days would be
crucial for relations. Pakistan has condemned the assaults and denied
any involvement by state agencies.
> The three-day rampage and siege in Mumbai turned India's financial
and entertainment hub into a televised war zone.
> On Sunday, the smell of disinfectant was strong outside Cafe
Leopold, and the sidewalk wet from mopping -- a different sight from
Wednesday night, when blood-splattered shoes and napkins lay strewn
among broken furniture and glass.
> It opened briefly before police came and shut it down again, saying
investigations needed to be completed first.
> Elsewhere in the trendy Colaba district where the fighting took
place, shops were open and traffic flowed despite police barricades
and heavy clean-up work around the Taj Mahal hotel, a 105-year-old
landmark and site of the longest siege.
> Broken windows were boarded up and firemen used a crane to reach the
sixth floor, gutted by a fire set by the militants as they fought
dozens of commandos in the corridors.
> Elite Black Cat commandos killed the last of the gunmen on Saturday
after three days of room-to-room battling inside the Taj, one of
several landmarks struck in coordinated attacks on Wednesday night.
> Hundreds of people, many of them Westerners, were trapped or taken
hostage as the gunmen hurled grenades and fired indiscriminately. At
least 22 of those killed were foreigners, including businessmen and
> Nine gunmen and 20 police and soldiers were also killed. A tenth
militant was caught alive.
> On Saturday, India's navy and coast guard boosted coastal patrols,
after evidence mounted that the attackers had come by boat to Mumbai
from Karachi, Pakistan's main port.
> India's Home Ministry said the official toll in Mumbai was 183
killed. Earlier, Mumbai disaster authorities said at least 195 people
had been killed and 295 wounded.
> (Reporting by New Delhi, Mumbai and Islamabad bureaux; Writing by
Bryson Hull; Editing by Diana Abdallah)

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