...if what happened to you subjectively when you
die was completely a result of what you believed
would happen to you?

The Mormons would go to a Mormon heaven. (Which,
if you've ever spent any time in Utah, might be
the same thing that other people would call Hell.)
The Christians would go to a Christian heaven, and
be issued harps and wings at the door. At least 
some of them would. Others, who really got off more
on guilt than they did inspiration, might believe
that they were going straight to Hell or Purgatory
when they died. And so they would.

Those who believe that consciousness just blinks out
and there is nothing but darkness would blink out. 
End of story.

Those who believe in reincarnation would reincarnate.

And those who don't have any beliefs at all about 
what happens to them when they die would be shit 
out of luck. 


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