--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > no reason the magic money making box couldn't have existed. 
> Sure there is.  It violates many laws of how shit works that we 
> discovered.
> just as 
> > we are talking about other subjects that can't be proven, this 
> > can't either.
> An accountant would be able to eliminate most of the obvious 
> for the funds that ran the Math and locate the actual accounts the
> money came from.  This is the kind of rumor that exists because we
> don't have access to the Math's financial records.
>  but rather than declare the lack of proof as the 
> > reason the magic money making box couldn't have existed, i'd 
> > turn that reasoning on its head, and say that is the reason the 
> > money making box could've existed. there is a 50-50 probability.
> Then you are taking an extreme skeptical position on our ability to
> know things within probabilities.  All options are not equally 
> or we would never be able to advance out knowledge. It isn't just a
> lack of proof that makes this claim unlikely.  It is our 
confidence in
> how the world works from our collective experiences.  Just because 
> can be wrong or have incomplete knowledge about reality doesn't 
> we can't ever be confident in our probability choices for 
> And in this case extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof
> because it violates all sorts of well founded beliefs on how the 
> functions from our experience.
> Now if many of us had experienced boxes that could generate 
> that was magically valid in the banking system of a country (I 
> it was coins or bills rather than raw gold that the box was 
> to produce)then the odds of Guru Dev having his very own would go 
>  But I sure haven't seen one or heard about one except in this
> movement rumor so the odds for me go way, way down.
yeah, i shouldn't have tied it to odds-- 50-50. 

i do enjoy the process of keeping an open mind though, even when i 
don't want a particular story to be true. this reincarnation 
discussion is a perfect example-- i'd love to side with the 
reincarnation folks, but keeping an open mind means that there are 
more discoveries in the direction away from reincarnation. 

this is why i like the story of the money box- it is too cool to 
ignore, and i can think of several ways in which it could be 

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