Attn: Abdul Kalam, a Positive Counter-Terrorism Method for India
Maj Gen (Retd) Kulwant Singh, PhD, UYSM, John Hagelin  

"India has to have positive counter-terrorism methods so that we can 
end terrorism once for all. If evil minds combine, good minds have to 
cooperate and combat them," -- Former President APJ Abdul Kalam, 2 
December 2008 

"All truth passes through three stages. 
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. 
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." 
-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) 

The attack by gunmen on Mumbai's landmarks and hotels shows that the 
armed forces of India, despite their advanced technologies and 
valiant efforts, are still struggling to eliminate violent 
extremismâ€"and cannot guarantee peace for the nation. Clearly a new 
approach is needed. 

Violent extremism is a human problem requiring human solutions. The 
underlying cause of extremist social violence is accumulated social 
stress. Therefore, to protect the nation effectively, the armed 
forces need first to reduce the collective societal stress in India. 

A new technology of defense now exists that can accomplish this goal. 
It is based upon the latest discoveries in the fields of physics, 
neuroscience, and physiology. Ultimately, it is based on the 
discovery of the unified field of all the laws of natureâ€"the most 
fundamental and powerful level of nature’s dynamics. Extensive 
research has confirmed its effectiveness. This new technology is 
easily applied, highly cost-effective, and can prevent disruption and 
attack from within the country or outside the country. 

This approach is known today as the Invincible Defense Technology 
(IDT). It has its roots in ancient Vedic technologies of 
consciousness, revived in modern times by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a 
non-religious approach to peace. These technologies of consciousness 
directly access and harness the unified field on the deepest level of 
human experienceâ€"pure consciousness itself. Extensive scientific 
research indicates that this approach reduces collective societal 
stress, eliminates extremism and thereby snuffs out war and 
terrorism. Over the past three decades it has been quietly and 
successfully used by members of many faiths to defuse and eliminate 

The approach involves the creation of large groups of peace-creating 
experts practicing Invincible Defense Technology together. A 
Prevention Wing of the Military consisting of approximately 2% to 3% 
of the military of India could easily achieve this goal. This special 
unit would be trained in the Vedic technologies of consciousness 
revived by Maharishiâ€"the Transcendental Meditation (TM) and TM-
Sidhi programsâ€"and would practice these techniques in large groups, 
twice a day. 

Extensive research shows that the size of the group needed to reduce 
social stress in a given population should exceed the square root of 
1% of the population size. To calculate this number, multiply the 
population size by 0.01, and then take the square root of the result. 
The population of India, for example, is about 1,121,800,000, and 
1,121,800,000 x 0.01 = 11,218,000. The square root of 11,218,000 is 
approximately 3,350, so a group of at least 3,350 IDT experts is 
needed to create the desired effect of national peace. 

Studies show that when the required threshold of IDT experts is 
crossed, crime rates go down in the affected population, quality of 
life indices go up, and terrorism and war abate. Scientists refer to 
this phenomenon as the Maharishi Effect in honor of Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi, who first predicted it. As an example of this effect, in 1993 a 
two-month Maharishi Effect intervention was implemented in 
Washington, DC, the capital city of the US. Predictions of specific 
drops in crime and other indices were lodged in advance with 
government leaders and newspapers. An independent Project Review 
Board approved the research protocol. The findings showed that crime 
fell 24 percent below expected levels when the group size reached its 
maximum. Temperature, weekend effects, and previous trends in the 
data failed to account for these changes. The study was published in 
Social Indicators Research (1999, vol. 47, 153-201). 

Over 50 studies have shown that IDT works. The causal mechanism has 
been postulated to be a field effect of consciousnessâ€"a spillover 
effect on the level of the unified field from the peace-creating 
group into the larger population. On this basis, a study in the 
Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (2005, vol. 17, #1, pp. 
339-373) additionally offers a proposed explanation of causality in 
biological terms. Research conducted on the powerful neurotransmitter 
serotonin shows that it produces feelings of contentment, happiness 
and even euphoria. Low levels of serotonin, according to research, 
correlate with violence, aggression, and poor emotional moods. The 
IDT study showed that higher numbers of IDT experts correlated with a 
marked increase in serotonin production among other community 
members. These results were statistically significant and followed 
the attendance figures in the IDT group. This finding offers a 
plausible neurophysiologic mechanism to explain reduced hostility and 
aggression in society at large. 

The Maharishi Effect has also been documented on a worldwide scale in 
a study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (2003, 
vol. 36, #1-4, 283-302) using data provided by the Rand Corporation. 
When large assemblies of IDT experts exceeded the Maharishi Effect 
threshold for the world during the years 1983-1985, terrorism 
decreased globally 72%, international conflict decreased 33%, and 
violence within nations was reduced without intrusion by other 

In the 1990s, the military in Mozambique used IDT to end its civil 
war. Today, The Netherlands, Bolivia, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, 
and Peru have enough practitioners of IDT to create the Maharishi 
Effect. The United States of America is close to achieving the 
requisite number of IDT experts through its Invincible America 
Assembly in Fairfield, Iowa. And a group large enough to have a 
global effect is planned for India. But these are all civilian 
groups, and most require financial support. 

Since the military of India is funded by the government and its 
personnel are paid to perform their duties and protect the nation, an 
IDT group in the military would not be subject to fluctuations of 
donors, jobs, student graduations, and optional activities. It would 
be a permanent peace-creating group for the nation. 

The armed forces of India are responsible for protecting India, and 
are obligated to thoroughly examine realistic, scientifically proven 
methods for ending war and terrorism. IDT is such a method. 
Therefore, we feel it is the duty of the military of India to create 
a Prevention Wing of the Military and make India truly invincible. It 
is the most effective and efficient way for good minds to cooperate 
and combat terrorism. 

Dr. John Hagelin is the Director of the Institute of Science, 
Technology and Public Policy (ISTPP), an organization in the United 
States that advocates prevention-oriented technologies. He is a 
Harvard-trained quantum physicist who won the prestigious Kilby 
Award, and appeared in the feature films The Secret and What the 
Bleep Do We Know? 

Dr. David Leffler, a United States Air Force veteran, is the 
Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) 
at ISTPP. 

4th Dec 2008, 11:40 pm.

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