--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> thanks for substantiating what i knew couldn't be accurate about the 
> research into TM, that the practice would reach stasis after 3 
> months, or even 8-10 years (ludicrous). 
> i said earlier in all earnestness that i didn't consider vaj very 
> bright, and i stand by that. he is in way over his head.

Even Travis's "englithened" test subjects (who report TC 24/7 for at least a
year before the study) probably still show SOME further accumulated
effect  over time, though probably not as fast as beginners do.

Also, the term is "leveling off," not "ceasing to increase completely." It's a 
tangential thing: with a shallower and shallower curve as time goes on, but
eventually I'd expect crude measures like average Alpha EEG coherence 
to "ping the meter" since the measures are, well, crude.

Newer tests like brain imaging of the thalmus during meditation might show
greater effects over time beyond 3 months, for example. If the reduced thalamic
activity in the preliminary research is a good measure of the TC-ness of a 
person's experience, you would expect that. Brain imaging isn't something they
can do at MUM though (one of those machines costs as much as the entire
new Student Center), so they have to work with other researchers in other places
to get that done.

In the pilot study, thalamic activity of 3 "experienced:" meditators were 
measured at some university. Coincidentally, 3 TM reserachers from 
MUM and one researcher from the other university who doesn't do TM wrote 
the pilot study.

Reading between the lines of that preliminary study, I think I know the 
of the 3 experienced TMers.... ;-)


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