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Lowell Whiteman Primary School students Hailey Gray, front, and
Dominique Katthain meditate as part of their school day. The school has
two, 20-minute meditation periods each day. Enlarge photo
<>  — Photo
by John F. Russell <>
Meditation soothes Lowell Whiteman students LWPS conducting meditation
exercises twice a day By Zach Fridell
<>    Sunday, December
14, 2008
    [Dan Swanson, the co-director of the TM Center of Boulder, rings a
bell signaling the start of meditation.] 
Dan Swanson, the co-director of the TM Center of Boulder, rings a bell
signaling the start of meditation. Photo by John F. Russell
  [Teacher Kate McFee leads her class through a 20-minute meditation
period at the Lowell Whiteman Primary School. ] 
Teacher Kate McFee leads her class through a 20-minute meditation period
at the Lowell Whiteman Primary School. Photo by John F. Russell

Steamboat Springs — Nancy Spillane wants to spread the serenity.

As director of the Lowell Whiteman Primary School, Spillane has seen the
success of a new type of teaching method that uses Transcendental
Meditation to instill a sense of concentration and focus in the
school's fifth- through eighth-grade students.

Practicing for 20 minutes twice a day and instructed by meditation
coaches from the Transcendental Meditation Center of Boulder, the
students are in their second year of using meditation in the classroom.

Spillane, who has been an educator for about 30 years, said she first
saw the results of the meditation technique on TV a couple of years ago,
when an interview with administrators in Detroit and Fairfield, Iowa,
convinced her to take a look at bringing meditation into her school.

"I stayed away from the research the meditation centers put out, and
I found research from medical schools and journals," she said.

Several journals, including "American Journal of Hypertension"
in 2004 and the American Medical Association's "Archives of
Internal Medicine" in 2006, have found benefits from Transcendental
Meditation, including a decrease in blood pressure and increased
concentration in students.

Spillane also visited a school in Iowa where the technique was being

"I felt that if we didn't do this in school it would be a
disservice to the students," she said. "In my mind, we would
give it a two-year trial to see if we could find a difference in our
students and staff, and we started to see a difference in days."
Relaxing the mind
The meditation time is used for students to sit with their eyes closed
and repeat a personalized mantra — given to them by the coaches
— as they relax and establish what is claimed to be a fourth state
of consciousness, something called "restful alertness."

Dan Swanson and Gail Lynch, co-directors of the Boulder meditation
center and coaches for the school, teach each group of students how to
properly meditate, then visit once a month to check their progress and

The David Lynch Found­ation, an organization set up by
"Mulholland Drive" film director David Lynch to bring
Transcendental Meditation around the world, funds the program at the
Lowell Whiteman Primary School.

This is the second school Swanson and Lynch have worked with, and they
said three other schools are in talks to bring meditation into the

"It's doing exactly what the research said it would,"
Spillane said.

Parents have reported lower stress at home, and students have become
better test takers, she said. Overall test scores have not been compared
yet because the students have not been tested two years in a row on the
meditation regimen, but Spillane said individual test scores have
increased across the school.

"Some of that we can attribute to them maturing, and some we can
attribute to TM," she said.

Seventh-grader Patrick Mill said the meditation time is an important
part of his daily routine because it allows him to unburden himself from
daily concerns.

"It's definitely helpful when you sit to relax … you forget
about your school problems or after-school problems," he said.
"You get all the stuff off your mind, and you feel more energized,
but not in a crazy energized way."

The technique also has helped in the family life for some students, such
as eighth-grader Aly Bemis.

"My mom and I argue a lot anyways, but (now) it's a lot easier
to slow down and understand her side," she said.

The younger students in the school, from kindergarten to fourth grade,
practice quiet time every day before they are taught the meditation
technique in fifth grade.

Many of the benefits claimed from Transcendental Meditation are
quantifiable, but some of the benefits go beyond the school. According
to Transcendental Meditation literature, enough people practicing the
technique can even bring about world peace as it is exuded by meditation
practitioners and transferred to everyone around them.

But for seventh-grader Quinn Cain, the results are physical.

"It helps me in sports; you feel more energized, and you understand
(the game) better," he said. "I'm a better hockey

The program is not affiliated with any religion, but Spillane said she
would like to proselytize the method to other schools in Routt County.

"One of our goals really is for this to spread to as many children
in Routt County as possible because, boy, it's really a great thing
for children," she said.


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