> Israel never stole land from Palestinian Arabs, they fled after the
> '46 incursion by the Arab countries. 

Interesting thought processes going on here. Land which had belonged
to Palestinian arabs for centuries was unilaterally given away by fiat
of the UN without asking the people who owned it. So the other Arab
countries invaded to get the land back. The invasion was repulsed so
Israel now has the right to the land? Mmmm. Maybe you'd feel a bit
different about that if a local criminal gang democratically decided
that your car should be taken away from you and given to one of their

What you're effectively saying is that if your car is stolen and you
fight to get it back but the criminals are stronger than you then they
have the right to your car.

The big problem here is the notion that the UN decision to create
Israel is valid. It was clearly a big mistake, it wasn't supported by
any country in the region or by the majority of the population living
there at the time. The only UN resolution that Israel has ever
recognized is the one that led to its own creation. 

If the UN decided that the land your house is built on belongs to the
Indian tribe that previously owned it by virtue of their religious
connection to the land, would you give it up?

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