To Our Dear Enlightened Family,

Maureen and I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a 
Happy Holiday and to thank you for all your generous support to 
Maharishi's Vedic Pandits. 

We have accomplished so much since the 1050 Pandits arrived. How 
exciting it was, and necessary, to have the Super Radiance numbers 
exceed 2300 by the beginning of November. And we now have one entire 
campus for all the Vedic Pandits including housing, program halls, 
kitchen/dining buildings, Vedic performance buildings, a recreation 
center and outdoor play fields and scenic lake. Hundreds of mature 
trees were recently planted to beautify the campus. Two years ago 
this land was a sunflower field. Now this Vedic Pandit campus hosts a 
population larger than 700 cities in the state of Iowa. It is through 
all of you that Maharishi's desire to have a group of 1050 Pandits 
creating Invincibility for America has become a reality.

Recently, the first 200 Vedic Pandits began to return to India as the 
term of their two-year commitment was completed. Additional Vedic 
Pandits are arriving to replace those leaving, but it costs $1800 per 
Vedic Pandit in up-front costs, or $360,000 in total, to bring in the 
200 replacement Vedic Pandits. Tax-deductible donations of any size, 
both small and large, are so greatly needed now to cover these costs. 
Right now we have 140 fewer Vedic Pandits on campus because of this 
rotation. Your gift now will keep on giving as it establishes each 
replacement Vedic Pandit here for the next 2-3 years. It is easy to 
make a donation by check or online at the Global Country of World 
Peace website or at the Maharishi Vedic City website.

Many of you have experienced first-hand the profundity of listening 
to a Vedic recitation. The Maha Rudra Abhishek is a not only a Vedic 
performance for world peace but it has a transforming effect on the 
individual level. We would like to warmly invite you to witness this 
especially if you have never had the opportunity before. It is simple 
to sign up online at www.InvincibleAmerica.org to receive an 
invitation to one of the Vedic Pandit recitations, which are 
available to our meditating family a few Sundays each month.

As the New Year approaches quickly, we look forward to maintaining 
permanent coherence for the United States. The Vedic Pandits in 
Maharishi Vedic City account for one half of the total Super Radiance 
number in the community and they also perform these Vedic recitations 
that generate additional coherence for America and the world. In this 
way the Vedic Pandits, trained by Maharishi, are uniquely qualified 
to be the foundation for permanent invincibility for the U.S.

We wish you a happy holiday and a happy future for you, your family, 
and for all the nations in the world. Maintaining a sufficient, 
consistent Super Radiance number for the US, including over 1000 
Vedic Pandits, is an insurance policy that assures that cycles of 
roughness will be smoothed out and dangers will be averted before 
they arise. Now that the construction phase is complete for the Vedic 
Pandit campus—over 200,000 square feet built in two years—our highest 
priority is to maintain this precious group of Vedic Pandits in 
America. Your contributions now, and in the future, make it possible 
that this insurance policy of the Vedic Pandits will always be in 
place to protect each of us, and America. Please give now online at 
Global Country of World Peace or Maharishi Vedic City or by check to 
Global Country of World Peace, 2000 Capital Blvd., Maharishi Vedic 
City, IA 52556, or to Maharishi Vedic City at 1973 Grand Drive, 
Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556.

Thank you very much for your vision and support in creating a 
healthy, peaceful, and prosperous New Year. 

Jai Guru Dev.

Raja Wynne and Maureen
Maharishi Vedic City

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