--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
<no_re...@...> wrote:
> what you fail to account for is you frequently
> mention judy indirectly, so your stats just show
> you to be the sneakier of the TWO "mean old ugly
> school marms" on here.

Here's an example from last week, a diatribe against
those who are unhappy with Obama's choice of Rick
Warren for the inaugural invocation:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> This is actually a very insightful article, and
> explains why people brought up in such divorced-
> from-reality places as New York

Most folks here know I lived most of my life in
New York. I don't think anybody else on this forum
was brought up there.

What's so funny about Barry's insults is that he
gets mixed up about what he claims to believe when
he tries be clever.

In most other contexts you'll find him ranting
about how there's no single True Reality, yet this
time around, he's claiming not only that there's
only one True Reality, but that he, Barry Wright,
knows what it is, such that he can tell who is
divorced from it and who is not. Which is hilarious
given how often he gets things wrong, inadvertently
or otherwise.

(Not to mention that New Yorkers are among the very
savviest of people.)

Anyway, the rest of this is directed mostly at me.
Trouble is, he hasn't paid attention to why I (and
many others) object to Warren, so he gets our reasons
all screwed up:

 can't understand
> the power of walking softly and carrying a big
> pineapple. Anyone who has spent time in Hawaii
> recognizes and instantly "gets" the quiet
> silence of Barack Obama, and is not tempted to 
> mistake it for a lack of forcefulness or a lack 
> of personal power and commitment.

Obama's "quiet silence" (as opposed to "noisy
silence"?) isn't what we see as a lack of 
forcefulness or personal power and commitment.

Try again.

> They simply don't under-
> stand his attempts to actually "reach across the
> aisle" to people like Rick Warren, and see it as
> a sign of weakness.

Actually that's not how we see it at all. We see
it as Obama's own special brand of "quietly 
silent" dick-waving, one that is utterly tone-deaf.

You'd think somebody who cultivates a bubble of
"quiet silence" would be better able than noisy
folks to *listen*, would have a *better* sense of

No such luck with Obama. (Or Barry, of course, but
then nobody ever accused him of being "quietly

> I think they need to spend some time in Hawaii.
> After a year or two they might understand that 
> some people can get things done without being a 
> dick.

Obama *grew up* there, but he's long since acquired
a reputation for arrogance. How come he doesn't
understand how to get things done without being a
dick? Or more to the point, how come he doesn't
realize that being a dick is not the way to *get* 
things done?

He stupidly wasted a good chunk of political capital
on his choice of Warren, which is too bad, because
he's going to need every single last bit of it once
he gets to the White House.

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