On Jan 12, 2009, at 2:38 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net> wrote:

They've already talked about this. It's mentioned in the Unified Field chart for Ayurveda, which contains an alleged formula for the 5 tanmatras. Not that anyone but they believe in it. Kinda silly really.

My take on his whole "Rig Ved" spiel was it was what he purloined from the father-son Vedic chanting duo he used to hang with, along with his intellectual interests garnered from hanging around actual physicists. As it turns out, the whole AGNI thing is not his. There are huge compendia of analyses on Rig Vedic words, phrases and their meaning. These are still just barely being preserved by traditional pundit families. Much of it is committed to writing but none of it, as far as I am aware, has been translated into English yet.

If someone wanted to be really enterprising and helpful, they could start or fund a translation project to preserve these texts.

Maharishi was the Great Promoter. Had few if any original thoughts during his whole life. He didn't cognize Ayurveda, Vastu or any of the other Vedic disciplines. He just pulled together people to speel on what they were an expert on, then of course put his SCI spin on it all. Sometimes the spin doesn't take, as it didn't take with Herbert Benson. Benson looked at what he saw in TMers and decided that a mantra of "one" would do just as well.

What I find most fascinating is that Maharishi's prize, Chopra, was pretty much a mirror of Maharishi. Chopra hasn't had an original thought in his life. I used to marvel during his weekend seminars how well he could peace together everybody else's thoughts and conclusions. Maharishi was and Chopra is the big reformatters.

Maharishi has us listen to the Rig Veda to enliven subatomic particles? Yeah, sure. Round about the Taste of Utopia I would have not believed that but out of shear exhaustion would have said, "yeah, well, OK". But that was then, this is now.

But the sad thing is God Almighty / El Shaddai such shenanigans detract and diminish the actual commentaries on Rig veda which do exist. Once you make something SO silly, how do you expect anyone to take it seriously? Not everything was designed to be sold or used as a marketing mythos.

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