Since stories about the Vatican have been in 
the air on FFL today, here´s another one.

For personal reasons having to do with my 
interest in the medieval period, I follow
the history of the Office of the Holy
Inquisition with some interest. It lasted
for *600 years* and was only eliminated 
from the Church in 1950. It was *brought
back* to the Church by the current Pope,
when he was still a Cardinal. I´ve been 
watching to see what he would do with the 
renamed Inquisition ever since. This article 
is about one of the first things he intends 
to do with it -- silence those who report 
visions and miracles. Fascinating how sim-
ilar it is to how the TMO treats those who
claimm to have achieved the goals that the 
TMO sells (e.g., enlightenment), and talk
about those claims openly.

Catholics Forced To Keep Quiet Over Virgin Visions
The Independent   |  Jerome Taylor and Simon Caldwell   

Catholics who claim they have seen the Virgin Mary will be forced to
remain silent about the apparitions until a team of psychologists,
theologians, priests and exorcists have fully investigated their
claims under new Vatican guidelines aimed at stamping out false claims
of miracles.

The Pope has instructed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith, formerly the Holy Office of the Inquisition, to draw up a new
handbook to help bishops snuff out an explosion of bogus heavenly

Benedict XVI plans to update the Vatican's current rules on
investigating apparitions to help distinguish between true and false
claims of visions of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, messages, stigmata
(the appearances of the five wounds of Christ), weeping and bleeding
statues and Eucharistic miracles.

Monsignor Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, a respected Spanish Jesuit
archbishop, has been placed in charge of drawing up the handbook,
known as a "vademecum", which will update the current rules set in 1978.

According to Petrus, an Italian online magazine which leans towards
conservative elements in the Vatican, anyone who claims to have seen
an apparition will only be believed as long as they remain silent and
do not court publicity over their claims. If they refuse to obey, this
will be taken as a sign that their claims are false.

The visionaries will then be visited by a team of psychiatrists,
either atheists or Catholics, to certify their mental health while
theologians will assess the content of any heavenly messages to see if
they contravene Church teachings.

If the visionary is considered credible they will ultimately be
questioned by one or more demonologists and exorcists to exclude the
possibility that Satan is hiding behind the apparitions in order to
deceive the faithful.

Guidelines for the approval of apparitions and revelations were last
issued in 1978. They lay down that a diocesan bishop can "either on
his own initiative or at the request of the faithful" choose to
investigate an alleged apparition. He then submits a report to the
Vatican for approval.

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