I predict that the TMO as we know it will reinvent itself.  That Doctor
Bevan Morris and Dr. John Hagelin will retire and quickly thereafter no
longer be mentioned in the TMO.  That thereafter, once the sycophant fools
Maharishi had to suffer are gone, the rajas will increasingly take a cue
from Ram Nader and speak with less exuberance, less florid speech and for
shorter times.  If Bevan and John are replaced, they will be replaced with
more simply speaking people.  People who take their cue in presenting
themselves from Ram Nadir.

Bulletins will contain less gold.  The TMO will take less credit for world
affairs and jump in less to save the world with just some more sidhas on
Wall Street or in Fairfield.

Dark colored suits will once again be in style in the TMO.  Fresh, new blood
will be recruited from the sidha community.  Established and demonstrated
talent in business.  "Heaven is Descending" will no longer be the IA theme
song and the Maharishi Channel will quietly quash the worship of gods and

Maharishi gave instructions that these and many other things be done in the
fullness of time.

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