Arhata -FFL's NRA presence. 
Nationwide, ammunition sales are soaring, stoked by fear, created by the NRA.
In a perverse way, the NRA manipulated good gun owning Americans when BHO 
on the national scene. Good meaning gun owners went to the local gun stores and 
everything on the shelves to stockpile.  Many of them believed the country 
disintegrate into chaos, as well. 
This NRA inspired post from Arhata is so out of character for FFL. Perhaps 
Arhata receives 
compensation from the NRA to spread such fear.  Not very enlightening, in my 

--- In, Arhata Osho <arhatafreespe...@...> wrote:
>     Keep your eye on the ball!
> "It'll Never Happen Here"By Kirby Ferris
> Gun owners now face what appears to be the seeming inevitability of 
> nationwide gun 
registration and ammunition registration. Many longtime pro-gun advocates, even 
in their 
most fitful dreams, had not foreseen the immensely somber showdown we are 
> One writer (Bob Unruh in World Net Daily) appropriately used the phrase 
> "perfect storm" 
to describe what American gun owners face at this moment in history. All the 
societal and political forces seem to have conjoined to form an immense "low 
zone of impending anti-gun legislation. The goal: Confiscation.
> Is "confiscation" too harsh a word? Ladies and gentlemen, every government on 
> Earth 
that has orchestrated a genocide first registered, and then confiscated, 
personal firearms. 
See: JPFO Genocide Chart . 
> Ironically, no one element of this "perfect storm of gun control" is actually 
> new. We've 
had plenty of warning. It's just that this time all the conditions truly are 
perfect. Like 
Katrina headed for New Orleans.
> 1. We've heard of ammunition registration schemes for years. Using the 
> Georgia State 
Legislature as a probing device, the victim disarmament crowd is going to bar 
code your 
bullets, and, if they can pass the whole enchilada, make you "dispose of" your 
ammunition by January of 2012. Of course, that means you will have to sign for 
every box 
of ammunition you buy from now on. My opinion? The NRA will squawk loudly … and 
compromise. The NRA will consider it a victory that they get the "dispose of" 
dropped. Desired goal: Confiscation.
> 2. Let's all watch as thousands of homecoming veterans become ineligible for 
> gun 
ownership. This law is a done deal. The NRA backed it and Bush signed it. Some 
soldier, fighting house to house in Fallujah, might decide to seek some 
counseling for the 
horror he's seen. Sure he's got issues. War is hell. Ask any WWII, Korean, or 
combat veteran. No one can remain psychically unscarred. But now this combat 
this soldier who offers his life to protect your freedom, will be denied the 
fundamental human right, the right to self defense. Desired goal: Confiscation.
> 3. Universal handgun registration. And this one is wafting up from Barack 
> Hussein 
Obama's home State of Illinois. Again, this is a probe: Get a law passed on a 
State level 
and then let it "trickle up" to Congress and a President who will be the most 
anti gun in 
our history. Desired goal: Confiscation.
> 4. Obama's pick for Attorney General, and pending legislation to give that 
> officeholder 
complete personal discretion to ban firearms that were originally designed for 
military or 
law enforcement use. That means pump shotguns (used in WWI), Grampa's old 
that he gave you (used in WWII), and any semi auto rifle or pistol that has 
military or police 
background use. Oh yeah, toss in your .308 deer rifle. It's a "sniper rifle". 
Desired goal: 
> Additionally Obama is going to probably get two chances at new Supreme Court 
> justices. 
And, because the NRA long ago retreated into a reactive stance when it actually 
had the 
power to utterly defeat prior legislation, our so-called gun rights advocates 
will once 
again fall prey to typical "dialectic" maneuverings by the victim disarmament 
crowd. An 
insane bill is presented (thesis), reaching far beyond what our opponents 
actually want (at 
the moment), the NRA screams and takes a flaccid stand (antithesis) … and then 
compromises, and we get saddled with another sellout of our rights (synthesis).
> What can be done? Petition the politicians who already ignore you? Petition 
> the NRA 
Board of Directors, when it is blatantly obvious that the NRA was infiltrated 
by Bill of 
Rights saboteurs decades ago? No, all your letters and faxes and emails and 
phone calls 
won't work with the two- faced connivers who are running things, both in D.C. 
and deep 
within the NRA. Forget the traitors and their dupes. Don't waste your breath.
> It's time to take it to the streets. No, I'm not talking about open shooting …
>  yet. I'm 
talking about educating your friends and neighbors. If every ardent gun owner 
can bring 
just one other person over to our somber understanding of freedom and private 
this battle … no, this war … will be won. You need a "secret weapon" that will 
penetrate the awareness of your friends and neighbors. JPFO's DVD "2A Today for 
U.S.A." is just that "secret weapon". This documentary film is quietly 
persuasive. What it 
presents is inarguable. ("2A Today for the U.S..A." is free online from
> What if every ardent gun owner brought two people over to our side? We can 
> bury the 
moral perversity of victim disarmament for decades. 
> There's a storm a comin'. Tell your neighbors. Yes, the "perfect storm" of 
> "gun control" 
approaches. Batten down the hatches.

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